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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2015 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

stratums and 23.3 % on two stratums where MM cutting and tractor skidding operation was applied.
The time study was made according to IUFRO recommendations using handheld computer) as shown on Table 4. The analysis of CTL technology included two days of recorded data or 13.3 hours of work place time. Productive machine time includes work related delays up to 15 min. The time study of MM cutting and tractor skidding was made in four days, recording 24.74 hours of total work place time. All technologies were divided into standard work elements with separation of Work and Non-work time (Table 4).
In order to determine the productivity of cutting and processing operation, we made the inventory of cut trees. Felling was carried with harvester machine Timberjack 1270 D with harvesting head H 754, built for softwoods. The range of hydraulic boom was 11.5 m. The harvester was used to prepare log piles on the skidding trails; timber extraction was carried out by forwarder Timberjack 1010 D.
All statistical analyses were carried out in the statistical package SAS. Data of productive time was analyzed on the logarithmic scale to reduce heteroscedasticity.
The impact of morphological characteristics of trees on the productivity of CTL – Utjecaj morfoloških parametara stabala na učinak harvestera
In order to compare productivity between MM and CTL technologies we performed time study of work element cutting and processing in dependence to recorded tree morphological