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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2015 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

only 0.09 % of infected trees. Eutypella canker was found with very low intensity and the disease has not spread to other sites. The samples of cankerous formations were submitted to laboratory analysis, morphological analysis, and DNA analysis to confirm the presence of fungi E. parasitica. Fragments of DNA were sequenced and compared with gene in databases GenBank (NCBI), where it was confirmed that it was a 100 % identity with the E. parasitica. ITS2 region fungus E.parasitica established as sycamore and chubs was sequenced and deposited in gene bank (GenBank, NCBI) under accession numbers KP868619 and KP868620. Fungus E. parasitica was recorded for the first time in Croatia on A. pseudoplatanus in 2013, and its presence was confirmed on A. campestre in 2014. Type fungus E. parasitica was confirmed by morphological and molecular DNA detection. Bark canker on maples has not been significantly expanded during the last seven years in Croatia.
KEY WORDS: Eutypella parasitica, Eutypella canker, Acer pseudoplatanus, Acer campestre, molecular diagnostic, ITS2 region