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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2015 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

The number of damaged plants in the regeneration was 290 in the mixed stand, i.e. 1.28 wounds per felled tree, and 44 in the pure stand, i.e. 0.43 wounds per tree.
Damage to the butt end and the root collar of standing trees is mainly manifested in the form bark peeling and other surface wounds to the tree. The average wound areas are 390 cm2 in the mixed stand and 240 cm2 in the pure stand. Bark peeling larger than 200 cm2 accounts for 52.6 % of the total number of injuries in the pure beech stand and 43.4 % in the mixed stand (Figure 4).
Damage caused during the timber extraction – Oštećenja nastala tijekom privlačenja drva
Damage caused during the timber extraction is expressed as the total number of damaged trees, the number of injuries per winching operation and a percentage of the total number of injuries. The number of winching operations was 148 in the mixed stand and 111 in the pure stand.
During the timber winching, the most common type of damage was to the root collar (Figure 2). The number of trees observed with this type of damage was 48 in the mixed