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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2015 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

Grubešić, M., 2011: Nakon 15 godina dabar je postao uobičajena divljač središnje Hrvatske. Lovački vjesnik 4, s. 20–22
Grubešić, M., 2014: Dabar u Hrvatskoj – Koliko ih ima, gdje su nastanjeni. Lovački vjesnik 3, s. 38–39
Herrmann, D.C., Wibbelt, G., Götz, M., Conraths, F.J., Schares, G., 2013: Genetic characterisation of Toxoplasmagondiii solates from European beavers (Castorfiber) and European wildcats (Felissilvestrissilvestris), Veterinary Parasitology, Vol. 191, 1–2, 108–111
Hinze, G., 1950: Der Biber. Körperbau und Lebensweise, Verbreitung und Geschichte, Berlin. Pp. 234.
Hopla CE (1974). The ecology of tularemia. Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine, 18:25–53.
Hörnfeldt B, Löfgren O, Carlsson BG (1986). Cycles in voles and small game in relation to variations in plant production indices in northern Sweden. Oecologia (Berlin), 68:96–502.
Lesički, S., 2011: Trinaestogodišnjak pokrenuo akciju spašavanja dabrova. Lovački vjesnik 4, s. 24
Mörner T, Sandström G, Mattsson R (1988). Comparison of serum and lung extracts for surveys of wild animals for antibodies to Francisella tularensis biovar palaearctica. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 24:10–14.
Nolet, B. A. and Baveco, J.M. (1996). Development and viability of a translocated beaver (Castor fiber) population in the Netherlands. Biological Conservation, 75, 125–135.
Nolet, B.A., Broekhuizen, S., Dorrestein, G.M. and Rienks, K.M. (1997). Infectious disease as a main causes of mortality to beavers Castor fiber after translocation to the Netherlands. Journal of zoology, 241, 117–128.
Piechocki, R. (1977). Ökologische Todesursachenforschung am Elbebiber (Castor fiber albicus). Beiträge zur Jagd und Wildforshung, 10, 332–341.
Somođi I., 2012: Monitoring and maintain in beaver populacions on hydro power system of NorthCroatia; 6th International Beaver Symposium, Ivanić Grad. Bookofabstract, s. 41
Steineck, T. and Sieber, J. (2003). Results of pathological investigations in Beavers (Castor fiber L.). In: Biber die erfolgreiche rückkehr (Eds. J. Sieber). Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum/Oberösterreichische Landmuseen, Lintz, 131–133.
Parker R R et al. (1951). Contamination of natural waters and mud with Pasteurella tularensis and tularemia in beavers and muskrats in the northwestern US. Bulletin National Institutes of Health, 193:1–161.
Pokorny, I., Knuth, D., Teubner, J., Trubner, J. (2014): Die wissenschaftliche Belegsammlung zum Biber (Castor fiber) des Naturkundemuseums Potsdam. Tagungsband Ergebnise der Nationalen Bibertagung in Dessau – Rosslau, Sachsen – Anhalt, Dessau, s. 142–146.
Müller, F., 2014: Individuelle Variation von Körpermerkmalen bei Biber Castor fiber, Castoridae. Tagungsband Ergebnise der Nationalen Bibertagung in Dessau – Rosslau, Sachsen – Anhalt, Dessau, s. 163–167.
Woll, D., Karnath, C., Pfeffer, M., Allgöwer, R., 2012: Genetic characterization of Leptospira spp. from beavers found dead in south-west Germany. Veterinary Microbiology, Vol. 158, 1–2, 232–234
Population monitoring of beavers in Croatia and Serbia is being continuously run since the first release of beavers in 1996. in Croatia(Grubešić i Krapinec, 1998, Grubešić, 2014). Serbia has started with monitoring in 1999. When the first beak has been registered in the north of Vojvodina and it has been intensified since 2004. when they started with inhabitation – reintroduction (Ćirović, 2010). As a part of monitoring beavers in Croatia and Serbia since their reintroduction, beaver losses are being recorded by place and time of death, cause, sex and age of individuals. Information is being gathered with help of a network of associates, and by evidence of events. Based on the analysis of gathered information on beaver killings in the past 18 years a growth of killed beavers has been noticed, especially after the population growth and territorial expansion of beavers, and 10 years after the release in Croatia. In the observed period in Croatia a total of 111 beaver losses have been registered, while in Serbia this number is significantly lower and amounts to 36 individuals. Based on registered beaver losses a significant rise in beaver losses in the past 7 years has been noticed on the territory of Republic of Croatia. Actually the number of killed individuals has risen significantly when the beaver population has stabilized and increased its numbers and after 10 years since the inhabitation. In Serbia, despite the stabilization and territorial expansion, registered losses are relatively small, and stagnation or slight drop in killed or died animals has been noted. The main factor of mortality in Croatia and Serbia has been traffic. About one third of beavers (50 individuals) have been killed in traffic accidents. Traffic share in beaver mortality is equal or even somewhat smaller when compared to results from some parts of Germany, where this share is from 50 % to even 86,5 % (Pokorny and associates 2014., Muller 2014).
Strangulation in fishing nets has been the second most significant beaver loss in populations on the territory of Posavina and Podravina (22 beavers – 15 %). Autopsy unquestionably proved that 17 beavers (11.6 %) died from illness. For 33 of them (22,4 %), due to untimely findings or delivery to autopsy, a precise cause of death could not have been determined. When we look at beaver loss causes on the territory of Republic of Croatia traffic absolutely dominates, followed by unknown causes, and in third place illegal hunting and fishing (especially gillnets). In Serbia alongside unknown causes significant influences have diseases. From all 147 losses, only one beaver has been killed underneath a tree. Even though it has been noted he has been “killed at work”