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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2014 str. 15     <-- 15 -->        PDF

promjene u propisanim fondovima po jedinici površine), te je u znatnoj mjeri opterećeno smanjenim zahvatom, uzgojnim odstrjelom i pomanjkanjem odstrjela zrelih grla.
7.            U predstojećem razdoblju, s većim uzorkom trofejnih grla bit će potrebno razlučiti u analizama grla iz uzgojnog odstrjela od trofejnog odstrjela, čime će se jasnije pokazati eventualna razlika između ova dva lovišta, a kao odraz stanišnih uvjeta.
Anonimus, 1999: Lovnogospodarska osnova za državno lovište br. III/25 "PETROVA GORA" za razdoblje 01.04.1999. god. do 31.03.2009. god.
Anonimus, 2005a: Zakon o lovstvu. Narodne novine br. 140/05.
Anonimus, 2005b: Lovnogospodarska osnova za lovište IV/9 "POKUPSKI BAZEN" za razdoblje 01.04.2005. god. do 31.03. 2016. god.
Anonimus, 2006a: Pravilnik o sadržaju, načinu izrade, postupku donošenja, odnosno odobravanja lovnogospodarske osnove, programa uzgoja divljači i programa zaštite divljači. Narodne novine br. 40/06.
Anonimus, 2006b: Pravilnik o načinu ocjenjivanja trofeja divljači, obrascu trofejnog lista, vođenju evidencije o trofejima divljači i izvješću o ocijenjenim trofejima. Narodne novine br. 62/06.
Anonimus, 2006c: Stručna podloga za bonitiranje i utvrđivanje lovnoproduktivnih površina u lovištima Republike Hrvatske. Narodne novine br. 40/06.
Anonimus, 2008: Pravilnik o načinu ocjenjivanja trofeja divljači, obrascu trofejnog lista, vođenju evidencije o trofejima divljači i izvješću o ocijenjenim trofejima. Narodne novine br. 92/08.
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Kladušić, D., 1998: Analiza hidroloških prilika u lovištu "Petrova gora", Diplomski rad, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1–35, Zagreb.
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the aim of research in two hunting grounds, various types and habitat conditions was to compare body and trophy development of the main sort of big game – roe deer. The research has been done on two hunting grounds owned by Hrvatske šume d.o.o. head department Uprava šuma Podružnica Karlovac, in the state open hunting ground IV/9 "POKUPSKI BAZEN" and state open hunting ground IV/22 "PETROVA GORA". The data have been gathered on the basis of regularly planned shooting during three (3) hunting years starting with the hunting year 2006/2007. The research continued in the hunting year 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. The game was being shot according to the planned hunting regulations for particular hunting ground. During the three-year period gathered data, 209 roe deer have been monitored and analyzed. All the individuals of big game have been divided according to the age in five (5) categories: (young; offspring; youth; middle-aged; mature). The shot game was delivered in the hunting object for corpses in the shortest time where they were weighed. To male heads of categories-youth; middle-aged and mature the trophy value was evaluated according to the current regulations "Pravilnik o načinu ocjenjivanja trofeja divljači, obrascu trofejnog lista, vođenju evidencije o trofejima divljači i izvješću o ocijenjenim trofejima"(Anonimus, 2006b). On the basis of research results, it must be emphasized that there is a significant difference among monitored hunting grounds in body weight of roe deer of different age categories. The trophy value of youth and middle-aged roebucks was higher in hunting ground IV/9 "POKUPSKI BAZEN", while the trophy value of mature roebucks was higher in hunting ground IV/22 "PETROVA GORA". These values are first of all reflection of breeding measures (breeding shooting). In the coming period, with the bigger pattern of trophy heads there will be necessary to separate in analyses, heads from breeding shot to those from trophy shot, what will clearly prove the possible difference between these two hunting grounds, as the reflection of habitat conditions.
Key words: roe deer, body weight, trophy value