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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2014 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.18/44, Zagreb.
Krpan, A. P. B., Tijardović, M. 2009: Prezentacija projekta: Šumski proizvodi i tehnologije pridobivanja – biopotencijal i energetske značajke amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.)//Project: Forest products and harvesting technology – Biopotential and energetic characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.32/58, Zagreb.
Krpan A. P. B., Tomašić Ž., P. Bašić Palković, 2011a: Bioenergetski potencijal amorfe (Amorfa fruticosa L.) // Bioenergetic Potential of Indigobusch (Amorfa fruticosa L.). Zbornik radova 3. međunarodne energetske konferencije: Kako iskoristiti drvnu biomasu za regionalni razvoj i nove ulagačke projekte u gospodarstvo i lokalnu samoupravu u jugoistočnoj Europi. 5. svibnja 2011., Slavonski Brod, str.133–140, Slavonski Brod.
Krpan, A. P. B., Tomašić, Ž., P. Bašić Palković, 2011b: Biopotencijal amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.) – druga godina istraživanja, Šumarski list vol. 135, Posebni broj (2011), Zagreb, Hrvatska, str. 103–113, Zagreb.
Liović, B. 2009: Obnova šuma hrasta lužnjaka u uvjetima zakorovljenja čivitnjačom (Amorpha fruticosa L.)//Regeneration of pedunculate oak forest under competition of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.14/40, Zagreb.
Liović, B., M. Halambek, 1988: Suzbijanje bagremca (Amorpha fruticosa L.). Radovi, 23 (75): str. 141–145, Zagreb.
Lovrić, I., Hace, D., D. Vagner, 2009: Amorfa (Amorpha fruticosa L.) kao gospodarski problem u nizinskim šumama Uprave Šuma Podružnice Zagreb//Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) as management problem in lowland forests of FA Zagreb. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.28/54, Zagreb.
Marosvölgyi, B., Hájos, A., Zs. Horváth, 2009: Ispitivanje energetske pogodnosti amorfe (Amorpha fruticosa L.) u Mađarskoj//Examinations on energetics utilization of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Hungary. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.17/43, Zagreb.
Matić, S. 2009: Načini privođenja šumskoj kulturi staništa osvojenih amorfom (Amorpha fruticosa L.)//Introduction to forest culture of habitats conquered with Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.). U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.11/37, Zagreb.
Novak Agbaba, S., Čelepirović, N., A. P. B. Krpan, 2009: Patogeni organizmi utvrđeni na amorfi (Amorpha fruticosa L.) u Hrvatskoj//Plant pathogen organisms on Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.29/55, Zagreb.
Nuspahić, K., T. Božić, 2009: Tehnike obnove poplavnih šuma na staništima zakorovljenim amorfom (Amorpha fruticosa L.) – Uprava Šuma Podružnica Nova Gradiška//Techniques of forests regeneration on habitats under competition of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.)– FA Nova Gradiška. U: A.P.B. Krpan (ur.) Biological-Ecological and Energetic Characteristics of Indigobush (Amorpha fruticosa L.) in Croatia, Book of Abstracts and CD, M. Benko, p.27/53, Zagreb.
Oršanić, M., Anić, I., D. Drvodelić, 2006: Prilog poznavanju morfološko-bioloških značajki plodova i sjemena grmaste čivitnjače (Amorpha fruticosa L.).Zagreb.
Petračić, A., 1938: Amorfa fruticisa L. kao nov i opasan korov u posavskim šumama. Šumarski list, 62: str. 623–626, Zagreb.
The paper shows the results of the third year of research into biopotential and energy properties of indigobush. The research is planned to last for 6 years. According to the annual plan, the experiments were done in sample plots 1 and 3 in the third year of research. A research block polygon was established in a thirteen-year-old natural stand of indigobush in the compartment 126a of the Management Unit Posavske Šume, Sunja Forest Office, Sisak Forest Administration. The research is based on a project protocol and annual work plans and is carried out in four experimental fields, each containing six 5 x 5 m experimental plots. The basic task of the scientific-research project is to determine trends in bioproductive or bioenergy capacity in naturally planted indigobush at repeated felling operations. The time rhythm of the research was determined by the number of the plot, in combination with the project protocol and annual work plan.
Indigobush, particularly in the lowland systems of the Posavina region, covers large areas of forest soil. In some of these areas indigobush is so widespread that its shade prevents natural regeneration of stands of valuable autochthonous tree species. As a species of light, indigobush invades forest areas after tree cutting and overshadows the desired autochthonous young growth with its dense canopy. For this reason, it is perceived as an aggressive plant and a very dangerous weed, since not only does it considerably hinder the regeneration of Croatia’s most valuable lowland forests but also makes it more costly.
The possibility of using indigobush biomass for energy is limited by a number of factors. The most important ones include the quantity of biomass per surface unit and the profitability of its harvesting, chipping, transport