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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2014 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

The abundance of I. cembrae entry holes was similar on the four sections of trap trees at Slezské Rudoltice for set 1 and set 3 but was lower in the bottom section than in the other sections in set 2 (Table 3). The abundance of I. cembrae entry holes was similar on the four sections of trap trees at Útěchov in all cases (Table 3).
Maternal gallery length and related parameters
Maternal gallery length and other related parameters were measured for trap trees in set 4 at Útěchov. Maternal gallery length was significantly longer in the crown and middle sections than in the stem and bottom sections (Table 4).
Larval galleries were significantly longer in the crown and middle sections than in the stem and bottom sections. Numbers of larval galleries were lowest in the crown section (Table 4).
Infested wood and forest litter as overwintering sites
The total number of beetles that emerged from Slezské Rudoltice logs in the laboratory was unaffected by the month in which the logs were moved to the laboratory (September–January) (χ2 = 2.28, p>0.10) (Figure 3). For all five months, I. cembrae beetles began to emerge within 2 weeks after being moved from the field to emergence traps in the laboratory. Emergence ended after 6 weeks (Figure 2).
Numbers of I. cembrae beetles collected by the 10 emergence traps that were placed by on the forest litter in March 2009 at Slezské Rudoltice were high (49.3±20.2 adults∙m-2). Beetles were first observed in the traps at the beginning of May 2009. Trapping peaked in the second half of May. The last beetles were trapped in the first half of June.
In the current study, spring emergence of I. cembrae in central Europe began at the end of April, which agrees with published data obtained at lower and middle altitudes (Postner 1974, Grodzki and Kosibowicz 2009). Flight activity was continuous and lacked clear peaks. Offspring beetles emerged in late June/early July, when pupae and callow adults were found on trap trees. I. cembrae usually has two