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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2014 str. 24 <-- 24 --> PDF |
In all trap trees, all beetles were identified as I. cembrae, and all galleries were determined to have been formed by I. cembrae. Mean numbers of entry holes per dm2 of trap tree were equal in individual years at Slezské Rudoltice (set 1: H [6, N=28] =13.72, p>0.01; set 2: H [7, N=32] =10.77, p>0.10; set 3: H [4, N= 20] =9.14, p>0.05) as well as at Útìchov (set 4: H [2, N=12] =1.93, p>0.10; set 5: H [2, N=12] =7.64, p >0.01; set 6: H [2, N=12] =3.51, p>0.10) (Table 1). At Slezské Rudoltice, beetles of the overwintering generation infested trap trees continually from mid-May, the offspring generation infested trap trees from mid-July, and the number of entry holes increased (set 1: H [7, N = 3520] = 754.1***; set 2: H [6, N = 1400]=57.71***) (Table 2). At the Útìchov, beetles of the overwintering generation sought trap trees from mid-April, and the number in trap trees gradually increased in 2008 (H [10, N = 1320] = 827.72***) and 2009 (H [10, N = 1320]=457.93 ***) (Table 3). Entry holes were also observed on the 3-cm-thick branches of the trap trees of set 1. |