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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2013 str. 58 <-- 58 --> PDF |
Kubiëna, W. L., 1953: Bestimmungsbuch und Systematik der Bðden Europas. F. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart, pp 340–353 Maarse, H., J. H. J. Terwindt, 1964: A new method of making lacquer peel sections. Marine Geology 1, pp 98–105 Macan, J., 2006: Priprava hibridnih materijala za prevlake sol-gel procesom. Disertacija Sveučilište u Zagrebu, pp 1– 161 Matelski, R. P., 1949: The use of the Kelley soil sampling machine in Nebraska. Agronomy Journal 41, pp 394 MikLaszewski, S., 1928: La prise des monoliths de sols. Doswiadczalnictwo Rolnicze 4, pp 8–15 Ottersberg, R. J., T.M. Byron, 1987. An improved procedure for collection and preservation of soil profiles. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51, 1388–1390. Polynov, B. B., V. A. Baltz, Z. J. Schokalsky, 1929: Instruction for collecting soil monoliths and soil samples for laboratory investigation. Publishing Office Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Pernar, N., D. Bakšić, I. Perković, 2013: Terenska i laboratorijska istraživanja tla, priručnik za uzorkovanje i analizu, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Zagreb, pp 1–192. Schlacht, K., 1929: Eine neue Methode zur Konservierung von Bodenprofilen. Z.f. Pflanzenern., Düng. u. Bodenk. 13, pp 426–431 Spirhanzl, J., 1929: Die "Bodenmonolithen" Stoklasa-Festscrift, Berlin pp 381. Steinhardt, G.C.,D.P.Franzmeyer, J.E. Yahner, 1981: How to Make Miniature Soil Monoliths, Agronomy department Purdue University. West Lafayette, USA Truog, E., 1928: General exhibits. Soil Science 25, pp 89–91 17 Van der Voort, W. J. M., 1970: Literature about taking and preservation of soil monoliths. Soil Survey Institute, Wageningen. Publ. 4846. Van Baren, J. H. V., W. Bomer, 1979: Procedures for the collection and preservation of the soil profiles. Technical Paper No. 1. International Soil Museum, Wageningen (ISRIC) 23pp Voigt, E., 1936: Ein neues Verfahren zur Konservierung von Bodenprofilen. Z.f. Pflanzenern., Düng. u. Bodenk. 45, pp 111–115 Vilenski, D. G., 1927: On the organisation of exchange of monolithic soil samples and, in conformity on some necessary technical improvements in taking and mounting monoliths’. Pochvovedenie 22, pp 59–66 Wright, M. J., 1971: The preparation of soil monoliths for the ninth International Congress of Soil Science, Adelaide, 1968. Geoderma 5, pp151–159 Vrbek, B., 2011: Tloznastvo. Skripta, rukopisni materijal Veleučilište u Karlovcu pp 1–256. Vrbek, B., 2013: Tloznastvo. udžbenik za studij lovstva i ekologije, Veleučilište u Karlovcu. pp 1–151. Columbian Exposition, 1893: History of the world’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 4 volumes (vol. 3, pp. 52) LGM mededelingen, 1977: Laboratorium voor Grondmechanica, Delft, LGM mededelingen, deel 18, no. 2 and 3 Summary In the Croatian Forestry Institute a collection of monoliths of the most important forest soils was produced during the period from 2011 to 2013. The collection was made by means of a new method of attachment and preparation with the use of epoxy resin. After digging the pedological pit, the profile is prepared and a prism of soil, measuring 20 cm x 100 cm and 5 cm thick, is made. With a sharp tool it is then separated from the soil and placed horizontally so that the monolith can be analysed and fixed onto the base. In the case of skeletal soils we gradually move the soil from the marked prism in the pedological profile into the frame according to marked parts. After drying the monolith is fixed with clear matte varnish, following which it can be presented in a vertical position or on the wall of an exhibition area. The new method is less complicated and faster because it does not require a massive monolith in a large box, which is occasionally difficult to transport to the first communication road. Key words: Soil Monolith, pedology, epoxy resin. Collection of works |