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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2013 str. 15 <-- 15 --> PDF |
3. Slijedom prethodnog zaključka, u teksturnoj interpretaciji, pomoću teksturnog trokuta, između istraživanih metoda pojavljuju se značajne razlike. Od 67 uzoraka u < 10 % dobili smo jednaku teksturnu oznaku. Ove razlike smatramo vrlo bitnim za razumijevanje značajki tla za korisnika dotičnih podataka. Literatura References Allen, T., M. G. Baudet, 1977: The limits of gravitational sedimentation, Powder Technolgy 19, pp. 131–138. Beulselinck, L., G. Govers, J. Poesen, G. Degraer, L. Froyen, 1998: Grain-size analysis by laser diffractometry: comparision with sieve-pipette method, Catena 32, pp. 193–208. Buurman, P., T. Pape, C. C Mugler, 1997: Laser grain-sizedetermination in soil genetic studies. 1. Practical problems, Soil Science 162, pp. 211–218. Cooper, L. R., R. L Haverland, D. M. Hendricks, W. G. Knisel, 1984: Microtac particle-size analyzer: an alternative particlesize determination method for sediment and soils, Soil Science 138, pp. 138–146. Di Stefano, C. Ferro, V. 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Geotechnical Testing Journal, 25, pp. 434–442. Xu, R., 2002: Particle Characterization: Light Scattering Methods. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY. Comparison of two sieving and sedimentation methods for determination of particle size distribution – possibilities and limitations of interpretation Summary The purpose of this research was to comparison of two sieving and sedimentation methods for determination of particle size distribution (PSD). Until 2009, PSD was determined at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb by a sieve and pipette method after soil preparation using Na-pyrophosphate according to the Pedological manual (old method) (Škorić, 1965). Since the opening of the ecological-pedological laboratory at the Forestry Faculty in 2009, PSD determination has been performed according to the ISO 11277 (2009) Standard. The most important difference between the two methods is that according to the ISO 11227 Standard, pre-treatment is accomplished with hydrogen peroxide which oxidizes the organic matter, so that PSD is determined only in mineral soil particles, while according to the old method, the organic matter was not removed at PSD determination. |