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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2013 str. 65     <-- 65 -->        PDF

Forster, B., I. Giacalone, M. Moretti, P. Dioli, B. Wermelinger, 2005: Die Amerikanishe Eichennetzwaanze Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Heteroptera, Tingidae) hat die Südschweitz erreicht. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gessellschaft Bulletin de la Societe Entomologue Suisse, 78: 317–323
Froeschner, R.C, L.T. Miller 2002: Corythucha melissae, a new species of lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Manzanita in California. Entomological News, 113: 94–96
Kenis, M., M.-A. Auger-Rozenberg, A. Roques, L. Timms, C. Péré, M. J. W. Cock, J. Settele, S. Augustin, C. Lopez-Vaamonde, 2009: Ecological effects of invasive alien insects. Biological Invasions, 11: 21–45
Maceljski M., 1986: Current status of Corythuca ciliata in Europe. EPPO Bulletin, 16: 621–624
Maceljski, M., I. Balarin, 1972: Prethodno saopćenje o pojavi jedne nove štetne vrste insekata u Jugoslaviji – stjenice Corythuca ciliata (Say) Tingidae, Heteroptera. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, 8(1–2): 105–106
Matošević, D., 2012: Prvi nalaz brijestove ose listarice (Aproceros leucopoda), nove invazivne vrste u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 136(1–2): 57–61
Matošević, D., I. Pajač Živković, 2013: Strane fitofagne vrste kukaca i grinja na drvenastom bilju u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 137(3–4): 191–205
Matošević, D., M. Pernek, B. Hrašovec, 2010: Prvi nalaz kestenove ose šiškarice (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 134(9–10): 497–502
Mutun, S., 2003: First report of the oak lace bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) from Bolu, Turkey. Israel Journal of Zoology, 49(4): 323–324
Mutun, S., Z. Ceyhan, C. Sözen, 2009: Invasion by the oak lace bug, Corythucha arcuata (Say) (Heteroptera: Tingidae), in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 49(4): 323–324
Nentwig, W., M. Josefsson, 2009: Introduction. Chapter 1. Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4 (1): 5–9
Osborn, H., C. J. Drake, 1917: Notes on American Tingidae with descriptions of new species. The Ohio Journal of Science, 17(8): 295–307
Pernek, M., D. Matošević, 2009: Bagremova muha šiškarica (Obolodiplosis robiniae) – novi štetnik bagrema i prvi nalaz parazitoida Platygaster robiniae u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski list, 133(3–4): 157–163
Rabitsch, W., 2008: Alien True Bugs of Europe (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Zootaxa, 1827: 1–44
Rabitsch, W., 2010: True Bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). Chapter 9.1. – In: Roques, A., M. Kenis, D. Lees, C. Lopez-Vaamonde, W. Rabitsch, J.-Y. Rasplus and D. Roy (Eds.): Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk (Pensoft Publishers, Sofia). 1028 pp, 4(1): 407–433
Roques, A., 2008: The pan-European inventory of alien species established on trees on shrubs, a tool for predicting taxa and ecosystems at risk – final results of the DAISIE project. In: Alien invasive species and international trade, 2nd meeting of IUFRO Working Unit 7.03.12, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV, USA. ($file/IUFRO_Shepherdstown_Roques_Sheperdstown_end.pdf) (08.11.2013.)
Roques, A., M. Kenis, D. Lees, C. Lopez-Vaamonde, W. Rabitsch, J. – Y. Rasplus, D. Roy, 2010: Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe. BioRisk, 4, Special Issue, 1028 pp.
The speed and volume ofrecently introduced alien and invasive species is reaching new dimensions recently. Largest group of these are insects, some of which are serious forest pests. Croatia has received its share of recent European introductions, the newest one being a second tingid species, oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832). Sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832), has been the first one arriving to the Croatian soil soon after its introduction in northern Italy more than thirty years ago. Italy again, was the European country of first record for C. arcuata in 2000. Turkey and Switzerland followed soon, and in 2012 and 2013 its presence was confirmed in Bulgaria and Hungary. Summer yellowing of oak leaves in lowland stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and intensive chlorotic damages appearing on young oak plants in autumn urged for targeted research in the area of eastern Slavonia, Spačva basin. The abundant tingid species sampled in these forest stands proved to be the oak lace bug. Besides of the dominantly affected pedunculate oak leaves, damages and tingids developmental stages were also found on European crab apple (Malus sylvestris /L./), Rubus spp. and, for the first time, the field elm (Ulmus minor Mill) – Morphological identification based on relevant taxonomic keys can be eased for the practitioners with the description of slightly different coloring (dark brown blotches on semielytrae) of this lace bug versus already present and widely known sycamore lace bug. The first discovery of oak lace bug in Croatian territory in such a large area and at relatively high abundance puzzles since it has yet not been reported in neighboring countries (with the exception of Hungary where it was reported in a very small and localized population). It will be important to focus our attention on the very probable quick spread of the new oak pestin the near future and asses its potential negative impact on oak helath status in Croatian conditions.
Keywords: invasive species, alien species, Spačva, Slavonia, pedunculate oak, Quercus robur, field elm, Ulmus minor