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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2013 str. 55 <-- 55 --> PDF |
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Annales Zoologici Fenici, 8: 14–16. Summary The increase of the number of population of small rodents, when they can cause significant damage, among the other impacts also depends on the characteristics of the habitat. In this paper was tested the impact of habitats elements to the presence of bank vole (Myodes glareolus) and yellow necked mouse (Apodemus falvicollis). The researches were undertaken in the area of Bosnia (Bitovnja, Zvijezda and Igman) in the period 2008 and 2009. Different level of composition of plant communities and the character of human-caused impact on the object of research have enabled the identification of their impact to the presence of small rodents. Defining of types of habitat conditions for these animals was conducted according to the importance of their presence at the parts of plots of minimal square (Picture 1). This method means the determination of numerousness (abundance) of the population of small rodents based on the number of units collected at the total of 64 hunting locations/places. Hunting places of the plot were defined as small plots (micro-localities) the size of which was 15 x 15 m. For the needs of this paper, in the period of research, were placed 9 plots with minimal square, and the assessment of habitat parameters was conducted at the total of 576 small plots. The description of the habitat was intended to find the dependence between the numerousness (abundance) and living ambiance of the present species of small rodents at the researched localities. The pattern for typing (standardization) of the habitat contained the basic factors which individually or in combination describe the living space of these animals. The level of land coverage by tree crowns was defined with three categories: (1) covered, (2) partially covered, and (3) not covered. The assessment of exposure of the small plot had five categories, (1–4) for main sides of the world and (5) flat surface of the small plot. The category micro-relief has contained five elements: (1) flat small plot, (2) small plot with hollows, (3) small plot with elevations, (4) uniformly inclined surface and (5) |