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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2013 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

However, in Croatia and Macedonia are clearly distinguished 2 groups, the first cluster is composed of representatives of SMEs who believe that collection of documentation is a problem in their business, while the other cluster members indicate that this procedure does not interfere them in their business activities. In Serbia, there is not second cluster. These 4 clusters are formed on the basis of the problems caused by different factors, which influence the process of collection of necessary documentation.
In order to improve the situation in the future, it is necessary to:
– Adopt a single policy document, which will clearly define the directions of policy relating to NWFPs;
– Include representatives of regional and local authorities, NWFPs-based enterprises, and local residents, to ensure the presence of all stakeholders during the preparation of planning documents, rules and regulations, as well as possible strategies for sustainable use of NWFPs;
– Clearly outline the responsibilities for the implementation and control of laws and by-laws;
– Develop and improve collaboration with ministries of forestry and environmental protection;
– Establishment of a monitoring system, which would follow and document collection and use of NWFPs;
– Simplify the procedure required to obtain permission for commercial NWFP collection in Croatia and Serbia, as it was done in Macedonia (on-line application and gathering a license for 1 to 2 days).
It is important to emphasize that, in formulating policies related to the NWFPs, the results presented here should be taken carefully, since they relate only to the surveyed representatives of SMEs and not to the all SMEs in the region. Similarly, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this paper refer only to the NWFPs policy and legislation and the institution responsible for these products and, therefore, can not be directly applied to other aspects of forest policy in the analyzed countries.
Key words: non-wood forest products, policy instruments, small and medium enterprises