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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2013 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

Parelle, J., O. Brendel, C. Bodénès, D.Berveiller, P. Dizengremel, Y. Jolivet, E. Dreyer, 2006: Differences in morphological and physiological responses to water logging between two sympatric oak species (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl., Quercus robur L.). Ann. For. Sci., 63: 849–859.
Rose, R., M. Atkinson, J. Gleason, T. Sabin, 1991a: Root volume as a grading criterion to improve field performance of Douglas-fir seedlings. New Forest, 5: 195–209.
Rose, R., J. Gleason, M. Atkinson, T. Sabin, 1991b: Grading ponderosa pine seedlings for outplanting according to their root volume. Western J. Appl. For., 6: 11–15.
Rose, R., M. Atkinson, J. Gleason, D. Haase, 1992: Nursery morphology and preliminary comparison of 3-year field performance of 1 + 0 and 2 + 0 bareroot ponderosa pine seedlings. Tree Planters’ Notes, 43: 153–158.
Rose, R., D. L. Haase, F. Kroiher, T. Sabin, 1997: Root volume and growth of ponderosa pine and Douglass – fir seedlings: a summary of eight growing seasons. Western J. Appl. For. 12: 69–73.
Royo, A., L. Gil, J. A. Pardos, 2001: Effect of water stress conditioning on morphology, physiology and field performance of Pinus halepensis Mill. Seedlings. New Forests, 21: 127–140.
Schmull, M., F. M. Thomas, 2000: Morphological und physiological reactions of young deciduous trees (Quercus robur L., Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl., Fagus sylvatica L.) to waterlogging. Plant and Soil, 225: 227–242.
Späth, V., 1988: Zur Hochwassertoleranz von Auenwaldbäumen. Natur und Landschaft, 63: 312–315.
Späth, V., 2002: Hochwassertoleranz von Waldbäumen in der Rheinaue. AFZ/Der Wald, 57: 807–810.
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Tamasi, E., A. Stokes, B. Lasserre, F. Danjon, S. Berthier, T. Fourcaud, D. Chiatante, 2005: Influence of wind loading on root system development and architecture in oak (Quercus robur L.) seedlings. Trees, 19: 374–384.
Tsakaldimi M., T. Zagas, T. Tsitsoni, P. Ganatsas, 2005: Root morphology, stem growth and field performance of seedlings of two Mediterranean evergreen oak species raised in different container types. Plant and Soil (2005) 278:85–93, Springer 2005.
van den Driessche, R., 1991: Influence of container nursery regimes on drought resistance of seedlings following planting I. Survival and growth. Can. J. For. Res., 21: 555–565.
Villar-Salvador, P., R. Planelles, E. Enrı´quez, J. Pen˜uelas Rubira, 2004: Nursery cultivation regimes, plant functional attributes, and field performance relationships in the Mediterranean oak Quercus ilex L. For. Ecol. Manage., 196: 257–266.
WinRhizo Pro.V., 2005: Basic, Reg & Pro for Washed root measurement. Regent Instruments Inc., Canada. 106 pp.
Zaerr, J. B., 1983: Short-term flooding and net photosynthesis in seedlings of three conifers. Forest Sci., 29 (I):71–78.
Zahner, R., 1968: Water deficits and growth of trees. Pages 191–254 in Water deficits and plant growth (T. T. Kozlowski, ed.). Academic Press, New York. 333 p.
We researched the influence of irrigation and micro-relief in nurseries on morphological properties of pedunculate and sessile oak seedlings (2+0). The test plots were established in the forest nursery Hajderovac, Forestry Office Kutjevo, Forest Administration Branch Požega. The sowing of sessile oak acorns was carried out from 7 to 11 October 2005, and of pedunculate oak on 14 October 2005. Irrigation was taken as a treatment for the pedunculate oak seedlings (1 non-irrigated, 2 irrigated) while for the sessile oak seedlings it was the micro-relief (1 on slopes, 2 on flat terrain). At the end of the second growing season a random sample of seedlings was taken from the test plots for a morphological analysis. The morphological analysis of the washed root system was performed on the scanner Epson Expression 10000XL while the WinRhizo pro.V.2005 software was used to determine five root variables: length (cm), perimeter (cm2), average diameter (mm), volume (cm3) and number of root tips (pieces). For the seedlings of pedunculate oak a variance difference higher than the set limit (p=0,05) was established for the following variables: root length (p=0,293703), root perimeter (p=0,21999), root volume (p=0,281090) and the number of root tips (p=0,829142). Mann Whitney’s U-test established a statistically significant difference in height (p=0,000000), root collar diameter (p=0,000284) and the average root diameter (p=0,011632) between the non-irrigated (1) and the irrigated (2) seedlings of pedunculate oak. With an average height of 578 mm (322–790 mm) the irrigated pedunculate oak seedlings (2+0) were by 305 mm higher compared to the non-irrigated ones. The average root collar diameter of the irrigated seedlings was also by 0,92 mm larger compared to the non-irrigated ones and amounted to 6,91 mm (4,93–9,90 mm). On average the root diameter of the irrigated seedlings was by 0,12 mm larger compared to the non-irrigated ones. The irrigated seedlings of pedunculate oak also showed a larger total root length (cm), root perimeter (cm2) and number of root tips (pcs) with respect to the non-irrigated ones but the mentioned characteristics are not significant. For the seedlings of sessile oak a variance difference higher than the set limit (p=0,05) was established for the following variables: height (p=0,178360), root collar diameter (p=0,077099) and root length (p=0,148820). Mann Whitney’s U-test established a statistically significant difference in all the four tested variables (root perimeter (p=0,000010), average root diameter (p=0,025060), root volume