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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2013 str. 60 <-- 60 --> PDF |
Zahvala Acknowledgements Da je ovaj prilog potkrijepljen brojnim podacima i službenim dokumentima, poput pravila Lovačke udruge kotara senjskog, hvalu dugujem šumarskom savjetniku u miru Vlatku Skorupu, dipl. ing. šum. iz Senja. Literatura References Hirtz, M. (1921). Bilješke za lovnu faunu naših klimata. Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik (7–9):30–32. Krajač, F. (1896). K statistici lova. Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik V(3):34–35. Krajač, F. (1907). Doista nenadana i izvanredna lovina. Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik XVI(7):83–84. Marek, M. (1900). Lov i lovne prilike u Hrvatskom primorju. Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik IX(10):113–116. Schreiber, G. E. (1908). Na moru ulovljena vidra i divokoza. Lovačko ribarski vjesnik XVII(2):21. P.V. (1900). Ubijena stara i mlada medvjedica. Lovačko-ribarski vjesnik IX(): 123. Summary Nine years after the foundation of the First Croatian Hunting and Fishing Association in Zagreb (1891), the Hunting Club of the District of Senj was established in Senj on August 6th, 1900. It was founded by several affluent Senj hunters, who were guided by the concept of "sensible hunting and hunting for pleasure", in line with the Club Rules. Based on the 1893 Hunting Act, in the very first year of its existence the Association took a lease on all the hunting grounds in the Senj District, including the town hunting ground, which, admittedly, did not have defined areas, but was a "pathway for migration birds". Franjo Krajač from the renowned Senj family of Krajač was appointed the Club’s first president, together with five hunting inspectors, who were united in the task of putting a stop to poaching and illegal hunting activities. The most hunted game species included the European hare (Lepus europaeus), fox (Canis vulpes), stone marten (Martes foina), rock partridge (Alectoris graeca), grey partridge (Perdix perdix), common quail (Coturnix coturnix), woodcocks (Scolopax sp.) and wild duck. Roe deer were hunted in the upper parts of the hunting ground (Krivi Put, Vratnik), while the then unprotected brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus), wildcat (Felis silvestris) and European otter (Lutra lutra) were hunted only exceptionally and in minimal numbers. These wild animals would sometimes climb down as far as the bottom of the Senjska Draga canyon. Along with the Club members, other guests were also permitted to hunt the game and they were exempt from paying the hunting fee. If necessary, the club rules could be amended and complemented at an annual meeting. KEY WORDS: the Senj county hunting club, hunting club rules, Senjska Draga, poaching, brown hare, rock partridge |