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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

This paper presents the problem of forest fires and burnt areas on the Forest Administration Senj observed from several aspects. The analysis was conducted on the entire territory of the Forest Administration (FA) Senj. The Forest Administration is an integral part of the  company Croatian Forests. FA Senj is divided into seven forest districts. These are continental forestry office Novi Vinodolski, Krasno, Senj and Crikvenica and forestry office on island of Krk, Rab and Pag.
The analysis was conducted in the FA Senj in period from 1991. until the end of 2009. In this time was established 126 fires. Most fi res occurred in the forestry office Senj, 57, followed by forestry office Crikvenica with 23 fire and forest office Krasno with 19 fires. Size burned area is 3 940.93 ha, and the annual average is 29.37 ha per fire. The causes of fi re in most cases is unknown, as and challengers. In 19.8% of cases as a challenger to the established human factor, and in two cases it was found intentionally causing fire.
KEY WORDS: fire, burned area, the Forest Administration Senj