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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2013 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

Various responses of clone M1 to nickel treatment were observed compared to control. In 0,5 MPC treatment decrease of 23,98 % was observed in relation to control, and of 35,6 % in 3 MPC. In 1 MPC and 2 MPC treatments the values were similar to the control plant. A slight decreasing trend was observed in clone B 229 in relation to control – in 0,5 MPC decrease of 25,36 %, and in 3 MPC of 28,23 % was noticed. PE 19/66 unlike the previous two clones showed trend of increasing soluble protein content in relation to control, although a trend of decreasing values with increased nickel concentration in soil was observed. The values ranged from an increase of 34,91 % in 0,5 MPC treatment to an increase of 7,76 % in 3 MPC treatment.
The results of total antioxidative shoot capacity of our clones expressed through FRAP units are shown in figure 2. In regard to the copper treatment, M1 revealed high values of FRAP units, but there were no significant changes in regard to control. Clone B 229 showed a slightly decreasing trend of FRAP unit values ranging from 13,49 % (0,5 MPC) to 22,85 %. (3 MPC) compared to control. Clone PE 19/66 showed a sharp increase of 36,92 % (0,5 MPC), and thereafter a declining trend all the way up to 3 MPC treatment until it reached the value similar to that of the control. In regard to various cadmium treatment, clone M1 showed only very modest increases compared to control – the maximum of 12,68 % was reached in 2 MPC treatment. Although the changes were not significant, the values of FRAP units were very high. Clone B 229 also showed modest increases of 32,76 % (0,5 MPC), and 24,43 % (3 MPC) compared to control. Clone PE 19/66 showed a slight decline compared to control: 10,82 % (0,5 MPC), 17,81 % (1 MPC), and 10,06 % (3 MPC). In regard to the nickel treatment, M1 showed drastic increases in all ap­plied treatments compared to control: 318,08 % (0,5 MPC), 265,14 % (1 MPC), 370,58 % (2 MPC), and 348,36 % (3 MPC). Clone B 229 showed a slight decline in all treatments compared to control: 29,42 % (0,5 MPC), 47,86 % (2 MPC), and finally a de­cline in 3 MPC treatment, where an increase of only 24,32 % was recorded. Clone PE 19/66 showed various responses and at the same time a decline