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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2012 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

U daljnjim istraživanjima treba nastaviti pratiti utjecaj C. fraxinea i na odumiranje poljskog jasena, te istražiti varijabilnost hrvatskih izolata ovog patogena. Uz praćenje biologije vrste, potrebno je pratiti utjecaj biotskih i abiotiskih čimbenika (promjene u temperaturi i količini oborina, sušna razdoblja) na pojavu i širenje nove bolesti.
Bakys, R., R. Vasaitis, P. Barklund, K. Ihrmark, J. Stenlid, 2009a: Investigations concerning the role of Chalara fraxinea in declining Fraxinus excelsior. Plant pathology, 58 (2): 284–292.
Bakys, R., R. Vasaitis, P. Barklund, I. M. Thomsen, J. Stenlid, 2009b: Occurence and pathogenicity of fungi in necrotic and non-symptomatic shoots of declining common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Sweden. Eur. J. Forest Res., 128 (1): 51–60.
Barić, L., D. Diminić, 2010: Prvi nalaz patogene gljive Chalara fraxinea Kowalski na bijelom jasenu (Fraxinus excelsior L.) u Gorskom kotaru, u: B. Cvjetković (ur.), 54. seminar biljne za­štite, Hrvatsko društvo biljne zaštite, 33, Zagreb.
Chandelier, A., F. André, F. Laurent, 2009: Detection of Chalara fraxinea in common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) using real time PCR. For. Path., 40 (2): 87–95.
Drenkhan, R., M. Hanso, 2010: New host species for Chalara fraxinea. New disease reports, 22: 16. [doi: 10.5197/j.2044- 0588.2010.022.016]
Engesser, R., V. Queloz, F. Meier, T. Kowalski, O. Holdenrieder, 2009: Das Triebsterben der Esche in der Schweiz. Wald und Holz, 6: 24–27.
EPPO, 2010:
Halmschlager, E., T. Kirisits, 2008: First report of the ash dieback pathogen Chalara fraxinea on Fraxinus excelsior in Austria. Plant Pathology, 57 (6): 1177.
ICP Forests, 2010:
Ioos, R., T. Kowalski, C. Husson, O. Holdenrieder, 2009: Rapid in planta detection of Chalara fraxinea by a real-time PCR assay using a dual-labelled probe. Eur. J. Plant. Pathol., 125 (2): 329–335.
Jankovsky, L., O. Holdenrieder, 2009: Chalara fraxinea – Ash dieback in the Chech Republic. Plant Protect. Sci., 45: 74–78.
Kirisits, T., M. Matlakova, S. Mottinger-Kroupa, E. Halmschlager, F. Lakatos, 2009a: Chalara fraxinea associated with dieback of narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia). Plant Pathology, 59 (2): 411.
Kirisits, T., M. Matlakova, S. Mottinger-Kroupa, T. L. Cech, E. Halmschlager, 2009b: The current situation of ash dieback caused by Chalara fraxinea in Austria, U: H. T. Doğmus-Leh­ti­järvi (ur), Foliage, Shoot and Stem Diseases of Forest Trees, Proceedings of the conference of IUFRO working party 7.02.02., Eğirdir, Turkey, May 11–16, 2009, SDU Faculty of Forestry Journal, Isparta, 97–119.
Kowalski, T., 2006: Chalara frxinea sp. nov. associated with dieback of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Poland. For. Path., 36 (4): 264–270. Berlin.
Kowalski, T., O. Holdenrieder, 2009a: Pathogenicity of Chalara fraxinea. For. Path., 39 (1): 1–7.
Kowalski, T., O. Holdenrieder, 2009b: The telemorph of Chalara fraxinea, the causal agent of ash dieback. For. Path., 39 (5): 304–308.
Lygis, V., R. Vasiliauskas, K. H. Larsson, J. Stenlid, 2005: Wood inhabiting fungi in stems of Fraxinus excelsior in declining ash stands of northern Lithuania, with particular refrence to population of Armillaria cepistipes. Scand. J. For. Res, 20 (4): 337–346.
McKinney, L.V., L. R. Nielsen, J. K. Hansen, E. D. Kjaer, 2011: Presence of natural genetic resistance in Fraxinus excelsior (Oleraceae) to Chalara fraxinea (Ascomycota): an emerging infectious disease. Heredity, 106: 788–797.
Ogris, N., T. Hauptman, D. Jurc, 2009: Chalara fraxinea causing common ash dieback newly reported in Slovenia. Plant Pathology, 58 (6): 1173.
Ogris, N., T. Hauptman, D. Jurc, 2010: First report of Chalara fraxinea on Common ash in Italy. Plant Disease, 94 (1): 133.
Queloz, V., C. R. Grünig, R. Berndt, T. Kowalski, T. N. Sieber, O. Holdenrieder, 2010: Cryptic speciation in Hymenoscyphus albidus. For. Path., DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0329.2010.00645.x
Rytkönen, A., A. Lilja, R. Drenkhan, T. Gaitnieks, J. Hantula, 2010: First record of Chalara fraxinea in Finland and genetic variation among isolates sampled from Ǻland, mainland Finland, Estonia and Latvia. For. Path. DOI: 10.1111/ j.1439-0329.2010.00647.x
Schumacher, J., A. Wulf., S. Leonhard, 2007: Erster Nachweis von Chalara fraxinea T. Kowalski sp. nov. in Deutschland – ein Verursacher neuartiger Schäden an Eschen. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd., 59 (6): 121–123.
Schumacher, J., R. Kehr, S. Leonard, 2010: Mycological and histological investigations of Fraxinus excelsior nursery saplings naturally infected by Chalara fraxinea. For. Path., 40 (5): 419–429.
Skovsgaard, J.P., I. M. Thomsen, I. M: Skovsgaard, T. Martinussen, 2009: Associations amongst symptoms of dieback in even-aged stands of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). For.Path., 40 (1): 7–18.
Szabó, I, 2008: First report of Chalara fraxinea affecting common ash in Hungary. Plant Pathology, 58 (4): 797.
Talgø, V., A. Sletten, M. B. Brurberg, H. Solheim, A. Stensvand, 2009: Chalara fraxinea isolated from diseased ash in Norway. Plant Disease, 93 (5): 548.
Thomsen, I.M., J. P.Skovsgaard, P. Barklund, R.Vasaitis, 2007. Svampesygdom er årsag til toptørre i ask [A fungal disease is the cause of ash dieback]. Skoven, 05/2007: 234–236.
Wojciech, K., M. Zarek, T. Kowalski, 2010: Genetic variability of Chalara fraxinea, dieback cause of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). Mycol. Progress: 1–9. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-010-0724-z