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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2012 str. 34     <-- 34 -->        PDF

resulted from the low values of 2001. There were no significant differences in the abundance values of the striped field mouse and the yellow-necked mouse between the years (c2 = 4.13–4.98, n.s.), the proportion of these species were balanced in every sampled year.
The mean capture proportions were analysed by comparing the species and sampling years (Fig. 3). The proportion of striped field mouse was the highest in every year. Common shrew got the smallest capture proportion in 2001, and the relative abundance values of yellow-necked mouse and bank vole were approximately equal, however the proportion of striped field mouse was 7 times greater than the latter two typically forest-living rodents. The proportion of bank vole increased till 2002 while yellow-necked mouse and common shrew occurred with the same low frequency. The distribution of the capture frequencies of the three rodents was similar in 2003 compared to the value of the previous year, however, the proportion of common shrew increased in comparison with the registered frequency values of the previous two years. Therefore, based on Kruskal-Wallis test there was a significant difference between the frequency values of the capture of the species in all 3 years (2001: H = 30.479, P < 0.001, 2002: H = 38.642, P < 0.001, 2003: H = 33.625, P < 0.001). The Kruskal-Wallis test did not give a significant result in case of the yellow-necked mouse when the sampled years were compared (H = 4.981, n.s.), the capture data of this species remaining balanced through the years. However, regarding the capture frequencies of the other three species, there was significant difference between the years (A. agrarius: H = 11.864, P < 0.05, M. glareolus: H = 19.039, P < 0.01, S. araneus: H = 8.335, P < 0.05).