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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2012 str. 63     <-- 63 -->        PDF

D. Matošević: PRVI NALAZ BRIJESTOVE OSE LISTARICE (Aproceros leucopoda), NOVE INVAZIVNE ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXVI (2012), 57-61

Matošević,D., M.Pernek, 2011:Strane i invazi-blica Moldova şi dezvoltarea voltarea voltarea
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Taeger,A., S. M.Blank,2010: ECatSym –Electro-Blank,2010:The Zigzag elm sawfly (AprocenicWorld
Catalog of Symphyta (Insecta, Hyme-ros leucopodaTakeuchi, 1939) in Hungary.- Nönoptera).
Program version 3.10, data version 36 vényvédelem, 46 (11): 519–521.

(08.12.2010). –Digital Entomological Informa-

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tion, Müncheberg

First record of the invasive sawfly Aproceros
Timus,A., V. Derjanschi, N. Croitoru,2008: leucopodainfesting elms in Italy. Bulletin of In-
Viespea neagră a ulmului (Arge sp .) în Repu-sectology 64 (1): 145–149.

SUMMARY: An invasive sawfly (Aproceros leucopoda; Hymenoptera, Argidae)
has been attacking elms (Ulmus sp.) in Europe. It orginates from Japan
and has been first recorded in Europe in 2003. In the paper the occurrence of

A. leucopoda in Croatia is reported for the first time and prognosis of future
dispersal and damages is given. Potential host plants of A. leucopoda are all
native and introduced elm species in Europe. The sawfly has up to 4 generations
per year and parthenogenetic reproduction, After six larval instars,
eonymphs make loosely spun cocoons on the leaves (Figure 3 ). Adults (Figure
4) lay eggs along leaf margins. Young larvae (Figure 5) make distinctive zigzag
feeding tracks on leaves (Figure 1 ), older larval instars devour the whole leaf
and only midveins are left (Figure 2 ). The larve can completely defoliate elm
trees which was the case in Japan, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Romania.

A. leucopoda was first recorded in Croatia in 2011 on several locations
(Table 1, Figure 6). On the leaves a tipical zigzag feeding tracks were
recorded, larvae and cocoons were found and adults were raised from the
colected cocoons. The species was identified with the help od the key in Blank
et al. (2010). The number of generations per year was not determined. The
damage on the elm trees in Croatia was not severe, no defoliation was observed
and only single leaves were completely consumed.

A. leucopoda can be considered as invasive species in Europe and Croatia,
it can be expected that the sawfly will disperse to other parts of Croatia
(to forests and urban trees) in the coming years. The sawfly will disperse actively
(females are strong flyers) and passively (with traded material and vehicles).
Complete defoliation of elm trees in Croatia can not be excluded in
the coming years.

Key words:elm, sawfly, invasive species, damage, prognosis of dispersal