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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2012 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

D. Diminić, N. Potočić, I. Seletković: ULOGA STANIŠTAU PREDISPOZICIJI CRNOGABORA... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXVI (2012), 19-36

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* Programi gospodarenja za gospodarske jedinice
Upra ve šuma podružnice Buzet: GJ Liburnija
1997–2006, GJ Motovun 1996–2005, GJ Planik
1996–2005, GJ Presika 1999–2008, GJ Smokovica
1994–2003, GJ Učka-Labin 1993–2002.

SUMMARY: Austrian pine (Pinus nigraArnold) was commonly planted during
the last century in Croatia. Afforestation took place on various sites to
prevent land from erosion and, or to restore forest vegetation, mainly in karst
areas. Since 1992 the study on health status of Austrian pine plantations in