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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 272     <-- 272 -->        PDF

D. Matošević, M. Pernek: STRANE I INVAZIVNE VRSTE FITOFAGNIH KUKACAU ŠUMAMA... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 264-271

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SUMMARY:Alien species are intentionaly or unintetionaly introduced
species into new area. When an alien species succefully invades and impacts a
new ecosystem it becomes an invasive species. Until today, 109 invasive insects
on woody plants (57 from North America, 52 form Asia) have been introduced
and established in forest ecosystems in Europe (MATTSON et al. 2007).
Introduction and dispersal of new species is increasing from year to year due
to globalization of trade and ever increasing tourist traffic between continents.
The aim of this research was to identify most important alien and invasive
insect species in Croatian forests and give an estimate od their damage and
prognosis of their future spread.