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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 249 <-- 249 --> PDF |
I. Seletković, N. Potočić, M. Šango: PRIMJENJIVOST PREPARATAZAFOLIJARNU PRIMJENU HUNGAVIT ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 239-247 dings from the 7th International Beech Sympo-Seletković,I., 2006: Utjecaj gnojidbe dušikom, sium, IUFRO Research Group 1.10.00, 10–20 fosforom i kalijem na rast i razvoj sadnica hrasta May 2004,Tehran, Iran lužnjaka (Q. robur L.). Disertacija, Šumarski fa kultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Marigo, G., J. P. Peltier, 1996. Analysis of the diurnal change in osmotic potential in leaves of Seletković, I., N. Potočić, A. Jazbec, T. Fraxinus excelsior L. Jornal of Experimental Ćosić,T.Jakovljević, 2009: Utjecajrazličitih Botany, Vol. 47, No. 299, 763–769. sjetvenihsupstrataivrstasporotopivihgnojiva na rast i fiziološke parametre sadnica obične Matić,S., M.Oršanić, I.Anić,2003: Osnivanje bukve(FagussylvaticaL.) urasadnikuinakon šuma obične bukve. U: (Matić, S., Ur.) Obična presadnje. Šumarskilist9–10: 469–481. bukva (Fagus sylvaticaL.) u Hrvatskoj.Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Zagreb. Stilinović, S.1987: Proizvodnja sadnog materijala šumskog i ukrasnog drveća i žbunja, Univerzitet Mengel,K., E.A.Kirkby,2001: Principles of Plant u Beogradu, 454 str., Beograd. Nutrition. International Potash Institute, Bern. Šijačić-Nikolić, M., D. Vilotić, G. Radoše Potočić, N. I.Seletković,2001: Utjecaj vremena vić, 2006: Uticaj kontrolisano razlagajućeg i metode gnojidbe na uspijevanje sadnica hrasta đubriva na morfo-anatomske karakteristike jed lužnjaka. Znanost u potrajnom gospodarenju no godišnjih sadnica bukve. hrvatskim šumama (Znanstvena knjiga) str 367–371, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagre -Tisdale,S., W.Nelson,1975: Soil fertility and ferbu i Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, Zagreb tilizers. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 694 pp., New York. Potočić,N., I.Seletković, M.Čater,T.Ćosić, M. Šango, M. Vedriš, 2009: Ekofiziološki Walker, R.F., C. D.Huntt,1999: Growth and Nuodziv suncu izloženih sadnica obične bukve trition of Containerized Singleleaf Pinyon See( FagussylvaticaL.) prirazličitimrazinamagno-dlings in Response to Controlled Release jidbe. Šumarskilist5–6: 280–289. Fertilization.Arid Soil Research and Rehabilita tion, 13:123–132. Raitio,H., 1993: Chemical needle analysis as a diagnostic and monitoring method. In: Nilsson, WinRhizo L.O., R.F. Huettl & U.T. Johansson (eds.), Nu-products/rhizo/Rhizo.html(15/03/2011) trient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems.: 197–202, Kluwer, Dordrecht. SUMMARY: In this paper the results of two nursery experiments dealing with the influence of preparation for foliar application “Hungavit” on the growth and development of common beech and pedunculate oak bare-root seedlings are given. The experiments were set up as randomized blocks with three treatments and three repetitions. A generally positive influence of Hungavit on the development of seedlings was established. With beech, Hungavit had the greatest influence on the potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations in leaves, biomass of leaves and stems and several important root properties, such as number of root tips. The highest concentrations of nitrogen in beech leaves were present in B1 treatment (1% Hungavit). In oak leaves concentrations decrease with dose. Normal values in beech were reached only in B1, and in oak in all treatments. Phosphorus concentrations were highest in treatment 1 in both species, and all values correspond to normal range of values (Bergmann 1992 according to Fiedler and Hohne 1985). Potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations increase with Hungavit dose (Table 2). The influence of Hungavit on height or radial increment of seedlings was not established. Leaf and stem biomass of beech seedlings was increasing with dose, and for oak it was hihest in H1 treatment. An increase of lenght, surface area, volume and number of root tips with dose was recorded for beech seedlings (Table 5). With pedunculate oak, the influence of Hungavit is less pronounced: Hungavit application had a positive influence on the potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations in leaves and biomass of leaves and stems. Key words:Hungavit, pedunculate oak, common beech, nursery, nutritional status, biomass, root |