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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 170     <-- 170 -->        PDF

V. Roth, S. Dekanić, T. Dubravac: UTJECAJ KRUPNOĆE ŽIRANAMORFOLOŠKI RAZVOJ JEDNOGODIŠNJIH ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 159-168

In seedlings grown in full sunlight increase in the acorn size resulted in the
increase in average height and root collar diameters of the seedlings, average
leaf area of the seedlings, and seedlings total dry weight. Specific leaf area
was, on the other hand, smaller in seedlings from larger acorns. For the seedlings
in the shade, light was the decisive factor influencing their morphological
development, but still the seedlings from larger acorns were higher and
had larger root collar diameters compared to the seedlings from smaller

According to the results obtained in this research, it is safe to say that there
is enough space for the improvements in the nursery production of pedunculate
oak seedlings by taking into account the size of the acorns. However, further
detailed research efforts are needed to deduce final conclusions and
recommendations for the practical nursery production.

Key words:pedunculate oak, acorn size, light, one-year-old seedlings,
nursery production