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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2011 str. 149 <-- 149 --> PDF |
I. Pilaš, Š. Planinšek: OBNOVAVODNOG REŽIMANIZINSKIH ŠUMAKAO POTPORAPOTRAJNOM ... Šumarski list – Posebni broj (2011), 138-148 Environmental laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S.Army EngineersWaterways Experiment Station,Vicksburg, MS. European EnvironmentalAgency. 2008: About climate change; European Environment Agency; Web- document. about-climate-change Fiedler, S., M. Sommer, 2004: Water and redox conditions in wetland soils-Their influence on pedogenic oxides and morphology. Soil Sci. Soc.Am. J.Vol. (68): 326–335. Hurt, G.W.,V.W.Carlisle,2001: Delineating Hydric Soils. Wetland soils, genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes and Classification, CRC Press LLC, 183–206. Ivkov, M., 1994: Simuliranje razvoja sastojina uz pomoć modela ovisnosti debljinskog prirasta o razini podzemnih voda. Glas. Šum. pokuse (30): 95–141, Zagreb Martinović,J., 2003: Gospodarenje šumskim tlima u Hrvatskoj. Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko. 521.Jastrebarsko. Mayer, B., 1987: Režim podzemnih i površinskih voda u tlima nizinskih šuma Pokupskog bazena u razdoblju 1981–1986. godine. Završna studija. Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, SVIZ – Zagreb 1–139. Jastrebarsko. Mayer,B., 1989: Ekološki značaj režima podzemnih i površinskih voda za nizinske šume Pokupskog bazena. Disertacija, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb. Mayer,B., 1994: Utjecaj dinamike vlažnosti tla, po dzemne vode, oborina i defolijacije na sezonsku dinamiku radijalnog prirasta i sušenje hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus roburL.) u varoškom lugu. Rad. Šumar. Inst. 29(1): 83–102, Jastrebarsko. Mayer, B.1996: Hidropedološki odnosi na području nizinskih šuma Pokupskog bazena. Rad. Šumar. Inst. 31(1/2):37–89, Jastrebarsko. Mayer,B., 1995: Podzemne i površinske vode u nizinskoj šumiTuropoljski lug u razdoblju 1989.– 1993. godine. Rad. Šumar. Inst. 30 (1): 47–73, Jastrebarsko. Pilaš, I., K.H. Feger, U. Vilhar, A. Wahren, 2010: Multidimensionality of Scales and Approaches for Forest–Water Interactions, Forest Management and the Water Cycle: An Ecosystem- Based Approach, Ecological Studies, Springer Science + Business Media, 351–380 Richardson,J.L., R.B.Daniels1993: Stratigraphic and hydraulic influences on soil color development. Soil Color. SSSASpecial Publication no. 31. Tiner, R.W., D.G.Burke,1995:Wetlands of Maryland. pp. 7. U.S. Fish andWildlife Service, Hadley, Ma and Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD, Cooperative publication. Vilhar, U,Š.,Fajon,2007:Vpliv gozda in gozdnogojitvenih ukrepov na hidrološki režim vodozbirnega območja. In: Kovač M (ed) Gozd in voda: rezultati projekta [Interreg IIIA]. Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, 16.–21., Ljubljana Vrbek, B., I. Pilaš, N. Pernar, 2010: Observed climate change in Croatia and its impact on the Hydrology of Lowlands, Forest Management and theWater Cycle: An Ecosystem-BasedApproach, Ecological Studies, Springer Science + Business Media, 141–163. SUMMARY: Amongst the existing forest types in Europe, the specific biological function of water is nowhere more distinctive than in the lowland forest ecosystems. Consequently, no existing forest types are more shaped by historic hydrologic conditions, altered by manmade deviations from the natural water regime and vulnerable to consequences of global warming. The lowermost parts of the lowland forests, the wetlands, present the transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems i.e. ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Nowadays, due to excessive urbanization and the spread of agriculture, the total area of lowland forests and wetlands has been significantly reduced. One of the largest complexes of alluvial floodplain wetlands and lowland forests in Europe are situated in the South-East Europe, in the Sava and Drava River basins, tributaries to the Danube River. The Sava River is a unique example of a river where the floodplains are still intact, supporting both flood alleviation and biodiversity. Continental lowland forests in Croatia cover an area of more than 200.000 ha with a significant role in forestry production, flood reduction, recharging groundwater reserves, as well as filtering pollutants. The natural forest vegetation consists of mainly hardwood tree |