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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

D. Stojanović, S. Ćurčić, S. Orlović, Z. Galić: INVENTARIZACIJA FAUNE ŠTETNIH SOVICA... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 585-593

most relevant and recognized keys, listed in the references. In total, 55 species
of potentially harmful Noctuidae species were recorded during the 7-year inventory.
By the starting assumption, their harmfulness was derived from the
former literature data as well as rich forest protection, defoliator outbreak history
and field experience of local forestry. Out of 204 noctuids known for the
area of Fruška gora, only the listed 55 (Table 1) were chosen for the purpose
of this paper. Comparison with the results of the neighboring Spačva forest
(Eastern Croatia) where 161 noctuid species were recorded in a multiyear research
in the 1970-ies out of which 34 were categorized as potentially harmful
(capable to generate outbreaks of various magnitudes). Both in the Croatian
side (Spačva forest) and National Park “Fruška gora” species from the subfamily
Hadeninae and Noctuinae were dominating noctuids.

For all the listed species, place and date of the first record is given, their
flight period, food plant and observed frequency (given as number of specimens
in various number classes – Table 1). It is concluded that, during the
monitoring period none of the recorded species caused damages that could be
categorized as harmful for the tree species of their corresponding food plants.

Key words:Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, nouctuid moths, pests, National
park “Fruška gora”