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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2011 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

N. Šprem, M. Piria, H. Novosel, T. Florijančić, B. Antunović, T. Treer: MORPHOLOGICALVARIABILITY... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXV (2011), 575-583

boar, as well as on quality of the habitat. Gross external

morphological parameters have been the most common

area used by researchers to attempt to define identifying

characteristics.This is at least in part due to the relative
ease of data collection using these structures compared
to features requiring the use of more complex laboratory
methods. Morphological criteria have included a variety
of structures and parameters including external body
measurements, and coloration. Morphology is an area of
research where the shape and size of a morphological individual
or characteristic is described with quantitative


analysis, and because of very low heritability (h), morphology
characteristics are very dependent on external
conditions (Oxnard 1978). Multivariate statistical
methods were applied to classify morphology differences
and using these methods it was possible to evaluate
the most important characteristics separating the
subpopulations defined by wild boar. Relatively little
data are available on the relationships among morphological
parameters of wild boar.This data mostly dealing
with growing patterns of different parameters were
analyzed and some results were presented on the correlations
and allometry of these characteristics. Better
management of wild boar populations requires more
morphological data. Therefore, the aim of this study
was 1) to determine morphological differences among
wild boars populations located in three Croatian geographical
regions using morphological measurement;
and 2) determine the existence of hybridization.

MATERIALAND METHODS– Material i metode)

From October 2007 to January 2009, sampling of
wild boar populations was conducted in three Croatian
geographical regions, East (Đakovo, Baranja, Bilogora)
Central (Lpolje, Banija) and West (Plominska,
Oprtalj, Grožnjan, SjVeleb, VelKapel, LicSredo) (Fig
1), where we covered three characteristic climate areas
under Köppen’s climatic classification. The Eastern
and Central region enjoys the Cfb climate, but on the
other hand theWestern region is under the influence of
the Cfa and Df climate (Šegota &Filipčić 2003).

Figure 1 Three different geographical regions and sampling sites in the study

Slika 1. Tri različite geografske regije i lokacije uzorkovanja u istraživanju