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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 64     <-- 64 -->        PDF

H. Uhlíková, O. Nakládal, P. Jakubcová, M. Turčáni: OUTBREAKS OF THE NUN MOTH (Lymantria monacha) ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 477-486
1960,Tlapák1963,Tlapák1964, Tomandl1962,1962, Tlapák1965b, Tomandl1956, Tomandl
Žaloudík1961). Extensive outbreaks and total defoli-1971).The largest calamity of the nun moth in the Czech
ation were recorded mainly after 1900, and this situationRepublic was in the 1920s. In the Central Bohemian re-
lasted more or less until 1940 (e.g.Anonymous b,Ano -gion, optimal conditions for nun moth development
ny mous c, Anonymous d, Anonymous 1966, Horákwere created by reduced precipitation during the later
1960, Horák1965a, Horák1965b, Horák1968,years. Since 1996 there has been no other major outHorák1969,
Hošek1961, Hošek1964, Hošekbreak. However, there aretraditional outbreak regions
1967, Hošek& Tomandl1965, Kruml1964b,withhigher population densities of the nun moth(the
Kruml1968a,Kruml1969,Materna1964, Min-Brdy Hills and Bohemian-Moravian Highlands).
istr a, Ministr b,Ministr1963,Novák1967b, No-

In this paper, we present a quantitative and qualitavák
1967c, Novák1968a, Novák1968b, Novák

tive historical overview of the available data on nun

moth outbreaks in the Czechlands.

2. MATERIALAND METHODS – Materijali i metode
Historical data of the nun moth outbreaks

Povijesni podaci o gradacijama smrekovog prelca

During theperiod 2007–2010 a largeamountof his-ofthe Forest Management Institute (FMI) were the main
toricalrecordsofnun moth outbreaks was collectedandsource ofinformation. It was necessary to visitthecenprocessed.
Informationwasobtainedfrombooks, pro-tralarchive ofFMIplus itsbranchesin theCzechReceedings,
journals, surveys, protocols, andalsofrompublicandcontacttheforestdistricts.The collected data
recordsin the forest districts. Besides these writtencovered the period from 1784 up to 2010. We found
records, oral interviews with foresters were also impor-more than 2.5 thousands of records.The main nun moth
tant.The historicalessaysandsurveysfrom the archivesoutbreaks periods are inTable 1.

Table 1Selected main periods of the nun moth outbreaks in the Czech Republic.

Tablica 1.Odabrana glavna razdoblja gradacija smrekovog prelca u Češkoj

godina gradacije
1784-1790Krukanicethe oldest written evidence of defoliation
najstariji podatak o defolijaciji successful
Tomandl (year unknown)
Tomandl (nepoznata godina)
1785Doupov Mountainseradication (setting fires at night)
uspješna eradikacija (paljenjem vatri noću)
Schleger (1974)
1788-1790Carlsbad Highlandsthe oldest complete records of defoliation;
heavy/P. abies/24 000 m
najstariji potpuni podatak o defolijaciji;
jaka defolijacija/P. abies/24 000 m3
Ministr (1970)
1838-1840Rakovník, Křivoklát,
P. sylvestrisKruml (1964a), Novák (1966)
1899Sokolíčkoheavy/36 ha
jaka defolijacija/36 ha
Horák (1987)
1892Žirovnice26 haKruml (1968b)
1901-1903all regions /
sva područja
autochthonous outbreaks in lower altitudes
autohtone gradacije u nižim
nadmorskim visinama
Hošek (1981), Novák (1970)
1906-1910Ledeč n. Sázavou,
Ronov n. Doubravou,
Jindřichův Hradec
region, theTřeboň
region, Děčín, Frýdlant,
Zákupy, Grábštejn,
the Drahan Highlands,
lower altitudes of the
Jeseníky Mountains
heavy/3 600 ha; ended through
polyhedral disease
jaka defolijacija/3 600 ha;
okončana poliedrijom gusjenica
Tomandl (1962)