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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF

T. Kirin, J. Kralj, D. Ćiković, Z. Dolenec: HABITAT SELECTIONAND SIMILARITY OF THE FOREST ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 467-475
Table 4
KendallTau correlation between several ecological groups of songbirds and structural characteristics habitat in
study area. Significant values are given in bold.

Tablica 4.Kendall Tau korelacija između nekih ekoloških skupina ptica i strukturalnih svojstava vegetacije na istrživanom
području. Značajne korelacije označene su masno.

total hole barkcanopy canopy ground
songbird /nesters /gleaning /nesters /feeder /feeder /
pjevicedupljašicehranjenje gniježđenje hranjenje hranjenje
ukupnona debluu krošnjiu krošnjina tlu
Number of trees/ha – -0.097-0.150-0.159-0.094-0.049-0.077
broj stabala/hap=0.14p<0.05p<0.05p=0.16p=0.46p=0.24
Average tree basal area (m/ha) –0.1500.1910.1930.1410,0400.129
prosječna temeljnica (m2/ha)p<0.05p<0.005p<0.005p<0.05p=0.54p=0.05
Number of large trees/ha –0.1260.1160.0920.1430.0840.118
broj velikih stabala/ha–p=0.06p=0.08p=0.16p<0.05p=0.21p=0.08
Number of small trees/ha –-0.122-0.168-0.160-0.119-0.029-0.109
broj malihstabala/hap=0.06p<0.05p<0.05p=0.07p=0.66p=0.10
Scrub density (stems /ha)–-0.084-0.020-0.040-0.1570.168-0.30
gustoća grmlja (stabljika/ha)p=0.21p=0.76p=0.55p<0.05p<0.05p<0.001


Two Nature parks, Medvednica and Žumberak –
Samoborsko gorje are situated in the same region and
are covered with similar forest types. Main differences
are less continuousforest cover and lack of natural
coniferous forest on Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje.
Higher number and diversity of songbird species on
Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje might be a result of
greaterhabitat fragmentation on that mountain (Jelaska
et al. 2005).This might alsobe a reason why several
edge species were recorded in the study (as
Red-backed Shrike andYellowhammer). Habitat fragmentation
can cause higher diversity of birds species
and also the increase of population density (Odum
1971), but in our study population densities were
higher in Medvednica.The reason is the fact that we
studied only birds of forest interior. Continuous forests
on Medvednica and older age of forest represent better
habitat for forest interior species.

In regards to the floristic structure of tree layer, similarity
between these two areas is relatively low. It is
the result of the low proportion of the silver fir in Žumberak
– Samoborsko gorje that is replaced by the
spruce and other cultivated species (Trinajstić
2001). Oak stands covered with this study dominated
with theSessile OakQuercus petraea on Medvednica
and with Turkey Oak Quercus cerrison Žumberak –
Samoborsko gorje.

Number of birds was restricted to particular forest
type.These are species dependent on coniferous trees
(as some tits, Goldcrest and Firecrest) or oak trees
(Short-toed Treecreeper). On larger spatial scale, the
floristic composition has an important effect to song

bird communities, determining the presence or absence

of particular species. The most abundant birds in all

forest types were Chaffinch and Robin, the commonest

bird species in almost all types of European forests and
therefore considered as forest generalists (Moskát

In spite of relatively low similarity of floristic structure,
similarity of bird communities between two studied
areas was very high.The highest similarity of bird
communities was recorded in beech and oak stands.
Oak stands showed the lowest floristic similarity, but
no significant differences in any structural variable of
habitatand no significant differences in the density of
any ecological group of birds. On the contrary, beech
standshad medium floristic similarity (0.64), many different
structural features(number of trees, shrub density,
the ratio of small trees and the average basal area)
and several differences in densities of ecological
groups.Therefore, it can be concluded that quantitative
structure of bird communities was more dependent on
structural characteristicsof habitat than on floristic
structure of forest stands.

The highest densities of birds were found in oak and
mixed coniferous stands in Medvednica. Oak forests
are generally characterized with a vertical complexity
resulting with the high number of ecological niches
(Moss1978),while mixed coniferous stands of
Medvednica had high ratio of large trees (20%)indicating
older age.The assumption that in managed forest
the limitation factor for bird density could be number of
old trees (Berg1997) was confirmed by our research
as the same forest type in Žumberak – Samoborsko
gorjehas the lowest species richness and is the only
stand with no large trees and 73% of small trees.

Bark gleaning species showed the preference for
the old forest and highest densities in oak stands


(1.49 – 1.94 pairs/km) which both can be explained
with number of the insects on the bark. Number of in