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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

T. Kirin, J. Kralj, D. Ćiković, Z. Dolenec: HABITAT SELECTIONAND SIMILARITYOF THE FOREST ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 467-475
Goldcrest and coniferous forests was very strong: Gold-that studied beech standswere older on Žumberak,
crest was one of the four the most abundant species inwhile other forest stands were older in Medvednica.
that forest type.Forests in Medvednica generally had higher shrub
layer density (Table 2). Significant differences among

Similarity of songbird communities of particular
ecological groups of birds breeding in particular forest

forest types between two study areas was high(0.872 ±
types was found only in beech, mixed deciduous and

0.070),while floristic similarity of tree species was relmixed
coniferous stands, for ground and hole nesters

atively low(0.475 ± 0.120) (Fig 3). Contrary to florisand
birds feeding on the ground, on the bark and in the

tic structure, structural characteristics of forests
scrub layer (Table3).Densities of almost all ecological

showed much higher differences between two study
groups were higher on Medvednica, with the exception

areas. Only oak stands didn’t show any significant difof
those in beech stands.

ference in measured structural characteristics.The average
tree basal area and ratio of small trees showed

Table 2
Structural differences of forest types between two studied areas. Differences were tested by Kruskal – Walllis test.

p:* < 0.05, **< 0.01, ***< 0.005.There were no significant differences for any structural characteristic in the
oak stands.
Tablica 2.Razlike u strukturi pojedinih tipova šuma između dva istraživana područja. Razlike su testirane Kruskal – Wallisovim
testom. p: * < 0.05, **< 0.01, ***< 0.005. U hrastovim sastojinama nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika
između istraživanih područja.

Beech stands
Coniferous stands
Mixed deciduous
listopadne sastojine
Mixed coniferous
stands (N=12)
crnogorične sastojine
Number of trees/ha
/broj stabala/ha6784668.444***48810717.097**9059680.92937214257.385**
Scrub density (stems /ha)
/gustoća grmlja (stabljika/ha)4883.31244.88.796***1750.0928.61.310835.93227.36.502**1531.31218.80.117
Ground cover (%)
/pokrovnost tla (%)45293.33561194.422*36380.13859256.173**
Tree cover (%)
/pokrovnost (sklop)krošnji(%)86943.953*65823.04583914.768*78913.684
Ratio of small trees (%)
/udio tankih stabala (%)66478.613***41695.166*66751.65037736.490**
Average tree basal area (m
/prosječna temeljnica(m2/ha)0.0630.0996.601**0.1100.0415.143*0.0500.0363.3340.1400.0387.385*


Table 3
Differences among densities (in pairs/km) of ecological group of birds between two study areas. Differences were
tested by Kruskal –Wallis test. p: * < 0.05, **< 0.01.

Tablica 3.Razlike u gustoćama (parovi/km2) pojedinih ekoloških grupa ptica između istraživanih područja. Razlike su testirane
Kruskal – Wallisovim testom. p: * < 0.05, **< 0.01.

Beech stands
Mixed deciduous
stands (N=27)
listopadne sastojine
Mixed coniferous
stands (N=12)
crnogorične sastojine
ground nesters/gnjezdarice tla3.313.340.0152.553.595.161 *4.142.556.417 **
hole nesters/dupljašice2.724.777.425 **5.252.894.535 *
feeding on the ground/hranjenje na tlu4.926.534.225 *7.405.903.3928.446.054.071 *
feeding in scrub layer/hranjenje u grmlju1.360.854.446 **1.111.390.6141.591.271.100
bark gleaning/hranjenje na deblu0.511.062.3221.510.584.213 *1.430.003.618

The total songbird density was positively correlated
with the average tree basal area (Table 4). Hole nesters
and bark gleaning species preferred the same forest
characteristics and both had the densest populations in
oak stands.They were both negatively correlated with
the number of small trees and number of trees on the
plot and positively correlated with average tree basal

area. Canopy-feeders showed positive and ground-feeders
negative correlation with shrub layer density. Birds
nesting in the canopy showed positive correlation with
the number of the large trees, and average tree basal area
and had the highest density of population in mixed
coniferous stands.