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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 57     <-- 57 -->        PDF

T. Kirin, J. Kralj, D. Ćiković, Z. Dolenec: HABITAT SELECTIONAND SIMILARITY OF THE FOREST ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 467-475
The highest bird population densities were found inspecies in particular forest type between two study areas

oak and mixed coniferousstands.
Fourthe most abundant species (that include
ChaffinchFringilla coelebsandRobinErithacus rubeculain
all forest types, and eight other species depending
on the forest type) made 45–53 % of songbird population
in Medvednica and 41–50 % in Žumberak – Sa mo borsko
gorje. They had the lowest percentage in oak
stands and the highest in mixed stands.The differences
between the proportion of four the most abundant


were not significant (.test).Six bird species showed
the preference for the particular forest type (with more
than 40% of pairs recorded in one forest type).Those
were Willow Tit (Poecile montanus), Firecrest (Regulus
ignicapilla) and Eurasian Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
in mixed deciduous stands, Goldcrest (Regulus
regulus) and Coal Tit (Periparus ater) in coniferous
stands and Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla)
in oak stands. The association between the

Figure 2
Average population densities (bars) and Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index (lines) of bird communities in
forest types of two studied areas.

Slika 2.Gustoće populacija (stupci) i Shannon – Wienerov indeks raznolikosti (linije) zajednica ptica u različitim
tipovima šuma na dva istraživana područja.

Figure 3Sorensen index of similarity of tree species and bird species composition of particular type of forest between two studied areas.

Slika 3.Sorensenov index sličnosti vrsta drveća i ptica u pojedinom tipu šuma između dva istraživana područja.