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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

M. Stevanov, M. Böcher, M. Krott, S. Orlović, D. Vuletić, S. Krajter: ANALITIČKI MODEL RESORNOGA...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 449-466
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SUMMARY: Many governments express a growing need for having a
science that is “usable”, which means that research results should be useful
for practical application. In Serbia and Croatia current strategies and laws
addressing science and research see public research institutes as organizations
with activities primarily oriented toward public interest, in a way that
policy actors are provided with timely and adequate science-based information.
In this paper we analysed scientific and research activities of public research
Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) to see whether,
how and to what extent this institution meets the needs of actors in policy processes,
i.e. if it is in line with the requirements of “usable science”. The Model
of departmental research (Böcher i Krott 2010), based on sociology of scientific
knowledge and analytical theory, has been applied on total scientific and
research activities of ILFE. The very Model consists of following spheres: research,
integration, scientific and practical utilisation, whereas production
lines connect them and stay for activities of research projects (Figure 1).

In total 51 research projects of ILFE for the period 2005–2010 have been
analysed (table 1), based on project documentation, as well as semi-structured
questionnaires and interviews with project leaders and management of the
Institutes. Collected information was used in analysis of each project and
graphically presented by production line on the model of departmental research.
This was followed by synthesis and interpretation of the results.