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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2011 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

J. Čavlović, K. Teslak, A. Seletković: PRIMJENAI USPOREDBA PRISTUPAPLANIRANJAOBNOVE ...Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXXV (2011), 423-435
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De cision Support Systems in Forest Manage-

SUMMARY: Continuous stand regeneration is one of the most important
prerequisites of sustainable forest management. In relation to the planning of
regeneration intensity at the forest level, a more complex and challenging part
of planning is the selection of appropriate stands for regeneration. This is particularly
expressed in conditions of undesired and spatially heterogeneous
structure of the forest and stands, the large number of potentially mature stands
for regeneration and the multi objective approach of forest management, where
ranking of stands according to regeneration priority should be based on objective
criteria. The planning of appropriate regeneration dynamics and selection
stands for regeneration is particularly (emphasized) stressed in lowland pedunculate
oak forest management planning, where tree dieback is a significant
ecological and management problem. In such circumstances stand age and its
relation to rotation are not sufficient criteria for stand selection. In the study a
previously obtained model of rent difference (Eq. 1, Table 1) as a consequence
of the decision of regeneration (prompt or adjournment) of a potentially mature
pedunculate oak stand (Figure 2, Figure 3),was used for stand ranking
according to regeneration priority. Based on the obtained results and analysis,
the aim was to compare and discuss qualitative and quantitative characteristics
of stands planned for regeneration, according to three different models