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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2011 str. 56     <-- 56 -->        PDF

D. Barčić, N. Panić: EKOLOŠKO VREDNOVANJE U ZAŠTIĆENOM PROSTORU PARKAPRIRODE ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXV (2011), 379-390

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SUMMARY: With its specific features, high diversity, and a multitude of exceptional
ecological systems, the nature park of Kopački Rit is one of the most
important areas in the east of Croatia. According to the National Habitat Classification
and Map of the Republic of Croatia, there are 25 habitat types in the
area of the nature park. Five of these are endangered at the European level and
protected by the Habitats Directive. Kopački Rit Nature Park has been included
on the Ramsar list as valuable natural heritage within the international
framework. The floodplain area of Kopački Rit is essential due to the coherence
and diversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecological systems. The paper
addresses the need for ecological and spatial valorisation of the protected area
as an instrument for discriminating between primary and secondary protection.
Kopački Rit is a floodplain area resulting from the activity of two large rivers:
the Danube and the Drava. Spatial analysis of Kopački Rit Nature Park
was made on the basis of the existing spatial plan (2006) of the area. Comparative
methods, as well as the analysis and synthesis method were used for the
process. A qualitative analytical method with element gradation within four
analysis fields was used – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(SWOT analysis). A structural area analysis (Figure 1) was made according to
Lynch (1972). The effect of the activities on biological and landscape diversity
was analyzed in the results. The analysis included the effects of forestry, water
management, agriculture, game management, traffic, and war events (Table 1
and 2). Based on the management plan, zonation was performed by defining
the main zones and determining the sub-zones (Figure 2). The zones were described
and the zonation criteria and management goals were provided. In
doing so, the difference between the zones of strict protection and active protection
was accentuated. The goal of management is to ensure a sustainable
use of floodplain valleys and allow visits, recreational fishing, hunting, forestry
and agriculture. In order to improve habitat quality, use of the area should
be limited by management measures. Ecological and spatial analyses of the
protected nature park area were used to determine the difference between individual
units within Kopački Rit. Special zones of the basic phenomenon were
highlighted, which coincides with the zoning concept within the nature park. In
this sense, primary and secondary protection was discriminated.

Key words:nature protection, sustainable development, diversity, habitat,