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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2011 str. 34     <-- 34 -->        PDF

D. Kajba, J. Domac, V. Šegon: ESTIMATION OF SHORT ROTATION CROPS POTENTIALIN THE REPUBLIC ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXV (2011), 361-370


This illustration case presents the results of the
analysis of energy potential of fast-growing broadleaved
species plantations in Croatia. The methodology used
for the analysis is based on the BEE Methods Handbook
and corresponds to the basic spatially explicit method,
which was chosen based on the availability of the data
required for its application.

The main source of data used for the analysis is contained
within the Basic pedological map of the Republic
Croatia, created as a result of the project
coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The determination of the available area for short
rotation crops production is based on taking into account
the current land utilisation and eliminating the
land which is already used for agricultural purposes as
well as forested land.

Taking into account the various soil characteristics
which define limiting factors for energy crops production
the theoretical potential for short rotation energy
crops production in Croatia was estimated as following:

Forest area suitable for energy crops – a total of
51 200 ha was estimated to be suitable for SRC,
producing in total 470 200 t DM/y or 8,7 PJ

Agricultural areas with moderately suitable soils
and limited soil suitability – a total of 617000 ha
was estimated to be suitable for SRC, producing a
total of 7 404 000 t DM/y or 136,2 PJ

Taking into account the location and area of the
Natura 2000 sites, as well as the areas unsuitable for
harvesting due to various reasons, the technical poten-

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biomase u klonskim testovima stablastih
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Glas. šum. pokuse, pos. izd. 5, 261–275.
Bogunović,M., 1995–1997: Namjenska pedološka
karta Hrvatske. Hrvatske vode, Zagreb.
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Đikić, D.Grbeša,V.Jelavić, Ž.Jurić,T.
Krička, S. Matić, M. Oršanić, N. Pavičić,
S.Pliestić, D.Salopek, L.Staničić,

F. Tomić, Ž. Tomšić, V. Vučić, 1998:
Bioen Program korištenja biomase i otpada:
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V.Krstulović, H. Petrić, I. Raguzin, S.
Risović, L. Staničić, H. Šunjić, 2001:
tial for short rotation energy crops production in Croatia
was estimated as following:

Forest area suitable for energy crops – a total of
46 850 ha was estimated to be suitable for SRC,
producing in total 430 000 t DM/y or 7,9 PJ

Agricultural areas with moderately suitable soils
and limited soil suitability – a total of 235650 ha
was estimated to be suitable for SRC, producing a
total of 2 827 800 t DM/y or 52,1 PJ

In spite of the considerable potential for short rotation
energy crops production, currently a very small
amount of the available area is utilised in Croatia, as
presented in chapter 5.The issues and problems to be
addressed in order to increase this production include a
change in policy approach, especially aimed at small
landowners, introduction of incentives and subsidies,
lack of knowledge and experience in growing energy
crops and generally a lack of cooperation between relevant

There have been no issues identified with the application
of the methodology as described within the BEE
Methods Handbook, while recommendations regarding
improvement of available data have been drawn in
chapter 5.1. and essentially are related to the upgrading
and harmonisation of the Basic pedological map of the
Republic of Croatia.

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the first meeting of IEA, Bioenergy Task 17. June
4–6 1998., Uppsala. Sweden. SLU. str. 37–40.

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in Short Rotations. U: Overend, R.P. &

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