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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2011 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

D. Kajba, J. Domac, V. Šegon: ESTIMATION OF SHORT ROTATION CROPS POTENTIAL IN THE REPUBLIC ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXV (2011), 361-370

taining the available area relevant to the theoretical po-land parts include areas near alluvial river banks and detential.
posits, areas near floody rivers, swampy areas and areas
with a steep inclination.

In order to obtain the technical potential the available
area for SRC was further reduced after taking into Taking into account the different productivities of
account that certain parts of the land are not suitable to different soil types, the costs of production in terms of
the currently available harvesting mechanisation.These monetary units per tonne was estimated.

POTENTIAL FOR BIOMASS– Potencijal biomase
Available areas for SRC cultivation – Raspoložive površine za brzorastuće nasade
Of the total continental land area of Croatia This land could be used for the establishment of for(
5 662 031 ha) agricultural land covers 2 955 728 ha est plantations and also bioenergy could be pro-
or 52.2. %. Permanently unsuitable land for agricul-duced. The main data aggregated for the whole of
tural production in Croatia amounts to 806 648 ha. Croatia are shown inTables 1 and 2.

Table 1
Total area in Croatia, area of pedological soil classification in agriculture, forested area and settled area
(Tomić et al. 2008)

Tablica 1. Ukupna površina Hrvatske, površina poljoprivrednog zemljišta, šumskog zemljišta i naseljenog dijela
(Tomić et al. 2008)

Area –Površina 1000 ha % of total area
% ukupne površine
% of agricultural area
% poljoprivrednog zemljišta
Total area in Croatia – Ukupna površina Hrvatske 5 662.0 100.0
Forested area –Površina pod šumom 2 608.4 46.1
Area under water –Površina pod vodom 53.4 0.9
Settled area –Naseljena područja 44.6 0.8
Agricultural area –Poljoprivredna područja 2 955.7 52.2 100.00
Automorphous soils–Automorfna tla 1 502.1 50.82
Hydromorphous soils –Hidromorfna tla 1 087.9 36.81
Halomorphous soils–Halomorfna tla 0.4 0.01
Subaqual soils–Subakvalna tla 0.3 0.01
Rocky soils–Kamenita tla 365.0 12.35

Table 2
Suitability of agricultural area (soil) for the growth of agrocultures (ha)

Tablica 2.Pogodnost poljoprivrednog zemljišta (tla) za uzgoj poljoprivrednih kultura (ha)

Area with
suitable soils
Area with moderately
suitable soils
Površina umjereno
pogodnog zemljišta
Area with limited
soil suitability
pogodnog zemljišta
Area with temporarily
unsuitable soils
Površina privremeno
nepogodnog zemljišta
Area with permanently
unsuitable soils
Površina trajno
nepogodnog zemljišta
Total agricultural
area (soil)
Ukupna površina
605 739 468 420 463 597 611 324 806 648 2 955 728

Annual reforestation corresponds to 350 to 400 ha
of poplar and 20 ha of willow plantation/cultures is stable
in last decade (not increase or decrease).The important
fact for this production is that 78 % of the forest
area in Croatia is owned by the state, and concerning
poplar and willow plantations, this percentage is a little
bit lower and amounts to 66 %.The existence of the so
called ‘marginal’land, which is not suitable for agricultural
production, either privately or state owned, presents
the potential for further development and increase
of the production, which is nowadays reduced mainly
to reforestation of the new plantations.

Croatia possesses 2 688 687 ha of forest and forest


land with 397 963 000 m of growing stock which in


crements annually by 10 526 000 m.The annual allow


able cut is 6 564 000 m of gross volume. Of the total


annual cut about 40 % or 2 625 600 m of timber is used


for processing, 20 % or 1 312 800 m for of fuelwood
and the remaining 40 % or 2 625 000 is left in the forest
as waste. Of this residue 62.5 % or 1 641 000 m
could be used for bioenergy production, while 37 % or


984 000 m would remain in the forest as waste. If this
amount suitable for bioenergy is added to the quantity


of 1 312 800 m of fuelwood, the total quantity of energy
wood that could already be placed on the energy


market amounts to 2 953 800 m, which is 45 % of total
annual cut.The aggregated data for Croatia is shown in
Table 3.

As indicated in the methodology description, the

basis for the estimation of available area suitable for en

ergy crops production is the Basic pedological map of

the Republic of Croatia (Bogunović 1995–1997).