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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2011 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

I. Mihoci & M. Franjević: RAREAND THREATENED GEOMETRID MOTH Erannis ankeraria IN CROATIA: ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXV (2011), 353-360


1. An Angoran Umber is strictly protected taxa in
Croatia, endangered and rare, of EU importance,
and therefore listed in theAnnexes (II & IV) of the
EU Habitats Directive.
2. It belongs in the group of so called “winter moths”,
preferring xerothermophilous Mediterranean oak
forest habitats and depending on leaf feeding on Pubescent
Oak and Sessile Oaklarval host plants.
3. Current distribution of the species is based on reviewing
published papers, re-examination of material
from museums and University collections and
recent field data.Without current records, distribution
is based on two “historical” records– sites in
Istria and middle Dalmatia.

4. As potential habitats of this threatened species are
Pubescent Oak and Sessile Oakforests and forest
edges and degradation patches, foresters should be
the first involved in field data collecting and long-
term monitoring.
5. Future activities should focus on encouraging systematic
research (involving pheromone traps in
field methodology) of distribution and population
parameters of this species in Croatia. Efforts in improving
scarce knowledge and raising awareness
for detecting geometrid moth diversity in Croatia,
their ecological requirements and conservation in
general are also necessary.


The research was supported by the grant of
NATURA 2000 project in Croatia and by Croatian
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports as a part of
the Project No. 183-1193080-0831 grant to Dr. Sc.
NikolaTvrtković (Croatian Natural History Museum,

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Zagreb).We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Mladen Kučinić
(Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb), Prof. Dr.
Boris Hrašovec (Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb)
and anonymous reviewers on their useful suggestions
in preparing the manuscript.

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