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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2010 str. 36     <-- 36 -->        PDF

M. Cojzer, R. Brus: SPECIES COMPOSITION AND SUCCESSIONAL PATHWAYS ON ABANDONED ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIV (2010), 581-591
There was no difference in the Shannon’s diversity
index between the forest and abandoned land treat-
ments (ANOVA at p<0.05; F=0.06; p=0.802) (Fig. 3).
On average a little higher H’ value was typical for the
abandoned land treatment (1.48) and the forest treat-
ment (1.43) (Fig. 3).
Figure 3 Box-plot of plant species richness (S) and the Shannon’s diversity index (H’) of treatments (Z - abandoned land, G - forest).
Slika 3. Box-plot za prosječan broj vrsta drveća i grmlja (S) za Shannonov indeks (H’) po tretmanima (Z - napušteno zemljište, G - šuma).
3.3 Species composition and the density of plant species individuals between
the developmental phases of forest and abandoned land –
Vrste drveća i grmlja te gustoća jedinki vrsta drveća i grmlja
po razvojnim stadijima (tretmanima)
Treatments differ in average number of all species
per plot (p<0.05; F=3.09; p=0.017), in average number
of tree species (F=4.95; p=0.001) and in average number
of shrub species per plot (F=2.62; p=0.036) (Tab. 5).
Table 5 Mean values of the number of species between the treatments. Homogeneous groups are marked with small letters
(Duncan test at p<0.05).
Tablica 5. Prosječne vrijednosti broja vrsta drveća i grmlja po tretmanima. Homogene grupe (skupine) su označene malim
slovima (Duncanov test kod p<0.05)
All species Tree species Shrub species
Sve vrste Vrste drveća Vrste grmlja
Count Average Homogeneous Average Homogeneous Average Homogeneous
Treatments Broj number groups number groups number groups
Tretmani ploha per plot Homogene per plot Homogene per plot Homogene
Prosječan broj grupe Prosječan broj grupe Prosječan broj Homogene
na plohi na plohi na plohi
A 5 7.8 a 3.8 a 4.0 abc
B 15 14.5 b 9.7 b 4.7 c
C 17 14.7 b 10.4 b 4.3 bc
D 5 11.2 ab 9.4 b 1.8 a
E 5 13.8 b 11.6 b 2.2 ab
F 5 12.0 ab 8.0 b 4.0 abc
The average number of species per plot increased
with developmental phase aging on abandoned land.
The number of tree species increased as well, whilst the
number of shrub species did not change significantly
by developmental phase aging. The average number of
species in forest did not change essentially by develop-
mental phase aging, and the average number of tree
species did not change significantly as well, but the
average number of shrub species increased with deve-
lopmental phase aging.
There was a difference in the density of tree species
individuals (F=7.46; p=0.000) and in the density of
shrub species (F=6.34; p=0.000) (Tab.6).