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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2010 str. 75     <-- 75 -->        PDF

V. Vasić, Z. Galić, M. Drekić: UČINKOVITOST I SELEKTIVNOST NEKIH HERBICIDAU RASADNIČKOJ ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIV (2010), 395-401

SUMMARY: During 2005 and 2006. year on a good sample of the Institute
for Lowland Forestry and Environment investigated the efficiency and selectivity
of herbicide combinations acetoklor + flurokloridon, acetoklor + metribuzin
and acetoklor + prometrin in production of poplar seedlings. Tests are
set at two systematic unit of soils, with different physico-chemical properties.
Investigated soils have different the reaction of soils, the content of CaCO3,
P2O5and organic matter (Table 2).

The different physical and chemical characteristics of soils influenced the
composition of different weed vegetation (Table 3), and the conduct and operation
of the tested herbicides. At both study sites were the dominant broadleaf
species while grass were represented to a lesser extent.

All investigated combinations of herbicides reduced the number of weeds
in the investigated sites. Best efficiency in weed control on both studied surfaces
is achieved by applying combinations of herbicide acetoklor + prometrin.
Flurokloridon herbicide on both studied surfaces caused a transient damages
on poplars seedling. Herbicide metribuzin is fitotoxic function manifested on
the soil with a greater involvement of the total sand and its application to land
lighter texture not recommended.

Key words:poplar, nursery, herbicides, weeds