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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2010 str. 60 <-- 60 --> PDF |
D. Ballian, M. Memišević, F. Bogunić, N. Bašić, M. Marković, D. Kajba: MORFOLOŠKAVARIJABILNOST ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXIV (2010), 371-386 Kremer,A., J. L.Dupoey, J. D.Deans, J.Cot-Pintarić,K., 2002: Šumsko-uzgojna svojstva i život trell, U. Csaikl, R. Finkeldey, S. Espi-važnijih vrsta šumskog drveća, UŠIT, Sarajevo, nel, J. Jensen, J. Kleinschmit, B. Van str. 221. Dam,A. Ducousso, I. Forrest, U. L. De Stefanović, V., 1986: Fitocenologija sa pregledom Heredia,A. J. Lowe, M. Tutkova, R. C. šumskih fitocenoza Jugoslavije, Svjetlost OOUR Munro, S. Steinhoff, V. Badeau, 2002: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Sara- Leaf morphological differentiation between jevo. Quercus robur and Quercus petraea is stable Stefanović,V.,V.Beus, Č.Burlica, H.Dizda across western European mixed oak stands.An rević, I. Vukorep,1983: Ekološko-vegetacij nals of Forest Science,59: 777–787. ska rejonizacija Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, Matić,V.,P.Drinić,V.Stefanović, M.Ćirić, 1983, Šumarski fakultet, Posebna izdanja br. 17. V.Beus, G.Bozalo, S.Golić, U.Hamzić, Šilić,Č., 2005:Atlas dendroflore (drveće i grmlje) Lj.Marković, M.Petrović, M.Subotić, Bos ne i Hercegovine, Matica. N. Talović, J.Travar,1971: Stanje šuma u Trinajstić, I., 1988: Taksonomska problematika SR Bosni i Hercegovini prema inventuri šuma hra stalužnjakaQuercus robur L. u flori Jugoslana velikim površinama u 1964–1968. godini. Šuvije. Glas. Šum. pokuse 24:101–116. marski fakultet i Institut za šumarstvo u Sarajevu, posebna izdanja, str. 202–254. Zahvala: Ovo istraživanje ostvareno je u okviru veliku zahvalnost. Također kolegama koje su pomogle projekta koji je financiralo Kantonalno Ministarstvo za u sakupljanju ovog obimnog herbarskog materijala duobrazovanje i nauku, Kantona Sarajevo, pod brojem gujemo veliku zahvalnost, a prije svega dr. sc. Mladenu ugovora 11-14-20059.1/07 od 27.12. 2007. godine. Ivankoviću, doc. dr. Martinu Bobincu, dr. sc. Todoru Zbog toga g. Ministru i ostalom osoblju koji su našli Mikiću, Almiru Dugonji, dipl. ing. šum. i Goranu Pejčirazumijevanja za realizaciju ovog projekta dugujemo noviću, dipl. ing. šum. SUMMARY: The paper presents a research study into the intrapopulation and interpopulation variability of morphological traits of pedunculate oak leaf in Western Balkan countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro). A total of 65 populations and 650 trees were analyzed. Morphometric analysis included 14 morphological traits in all. Descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, discrimination analysis and multiple tests were used for statistical processing. Significant differences were found both in interpopulation and individual intrapopulation variability. Intrapopulation variability were statistically more significant than interpopulation variability. The highest variability was exhibited by the length of leaf petiole, the incision of leaf to the central nerve, and the incision of leaf blade. Variance analysis, discrimination analysis and multiple testing for the investigated traits, which were grouped according to the country of origin, indicate the existence of statistically significant differences among the studied populations. Consequently, the studied material from each country represents a separate group. Accordingly, forest reproductive material should exclusively consist of autochthonous material. No leaf hairiness was registered in the studied leaf material, which points to the absence of hybridization with pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens). This research may be viewed as a starting point for the selection of seed stands, improvement and preservation of genetic diversity of pedunculate oak, as well as for discriminating individual species, hybrid swarms and lower pedunculate oak taxa. Key words: Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), morphometric leaf analysis, intra- and interpopulation variability |