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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2010 str. 65     <-- 65 -->        PDF

M. Avdibegović, N. Petrović, D. Nonić, S. Posavec, B. Marić, D. Vuletić: SPREMNOST PRIVATNIH ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIV (2010), 55-64

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SUMMARY: State of private forests and needs of private forest owners
have not been in the focus of forest economics and policies research in the region
of South-Eastern Europe so far. The past socio-political regime used to
prioritize public property and management of private forest was therefore neglected
for a long time resulting in degradation of forests. The present lack of
forest roads is only one of the numerous consequences and sequentially has
lead to lower degree of fulfilment of different activities in private forests (silvicultural
treatments, planning, and protection).

Nowadays, different processes (transition, restitution, and privatisation)
present in region support the development of rural areas where private forests
are an important part of rural economy and overall management of natural

Findings of this research show that financially more demanding activities
like forest roads construction and maintainance present a motive strong
enough to establish interests groups like forest owners associations aiming to
reach common goals. Research data was collected as a part of PRIFORT project,
financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management of Republic of Austria. The main interest of the project was research
of the state of private forests and establishment of private forest associations
in countries of the South-Eastern Europe.