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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2010 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

M. Pandža: FLORA PARKA PRIRODE PAPUK (SLAVONIJA, HRVATSKA) Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIV (2010), 25-44

The largest number of species belongs to the Asteraceae (106 species,

8.83 %) followed by the Poaceae (96 species, 7.85 %) and Fabaceae (77 species,
6.30 %).
Out of 1223 previously recorded species and subspecies, 10 were not confirmed
during this research.

The results of the flora life forms analysis of a certain region show the relations
between its flora and the general climate characteristics of the region.
The most frequent life forms in the flora of Papuk are hemicryptophytes (589
taxa, 48.16 %), therophytes (251 taxa, 20.52 %), geophytes (12.92 %), phanerophytes
(12.43 %), chamaephytes (3.52 %) and hydrophytes (2.45 %).

The phytogeographical analysis showed a domination of Euroasian floral
element plants (335 taxa, 27,39 %). Widespread plants are represented by as
large a number as 18 % pointing to a strong antropogenous actovity.

50 endangered species (4.09 %) from the Red Book list of the Republic of
Croatia were found within the borders of the Reserve – six critically endangered,
14 endangered and 30 vulnerable species.

There were also 33 species of the Orchidaceae family found on clearings
and meadows. The traditional manners of mowing and grazing of meadows
are of essential importance for the preservation of orchids, as the only way to
preserve their habitats.

Several adventive plants were recorded within the natural vegetation.
Among them, the neophytes (Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia,
Amorpha fruticosa, Artemisia verlotiorum, Bidens tripartita, Echinocystis
lobata, Elodea canadensis, Reynoutria japonica etc.) are
particularly interesting. The require observation focused on their spreading
and steps for their eradication.

Key words: flora, life forms, syntaxonomic, taxonomic and phytogeographical
analysis, climatological characteristics, Papuk Natural Reserve