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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

M. Glavaš, S. Glavaš, M. Budinšćak iA. Vukadin: ŠTETOČINJE I ZAŠTITABILJAKAU RASADNIKU ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXIII (2009), 623-628

As for the insects, very frequent were plant lice, owlet moths, scales and
certain species such as Monarthropaplus buxi, Acantholyda hieroglyphica,
Melolontha melolontha, ect.

As a precaution against fungi the following fungicides have been used:
Benlate, Cuprablau (9x), Merpan (13x ), Kidan, Antracol, Bavistin (27x),
Mythos and Tilt (16x) and Rubigan (17x). To control insects, the following insecticides
have been applied: Folimat (11x), Pirox Fluid, Fastac and Decis.
The soil and the seeds have been treated against seedlings lodging, mice,
snails with the following agents: Captan (12x), Mesurol (35x), Snail poison
and Volatan.

The weed killers containing glyphosates that have been applied belong to
Cidokor (16x), Mentor (10x), Hercules (16x), Herbocor and Roundup.

It has to be cleared up that in the early 90-ties of the last century, just several
tens of thousands of forest seedlings were produced in the “Podbadanj”
nursery. There was a turn in 1997. When the turn in 1997. When the number of
forest seedlings (mainly in pines and pubescent oak) came to several hundreds
of thousands. It was the year when the production of various horticultural seedlings
started (about 20000 pcs). The consequence of a more intensified production
were the problems related to the preservation as well as the necessity
of a more intensive protection.

Key words:nursery, fungus, insect, pesticide, plant, protection