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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2009 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF



Vrativši se sa studijskoga boravka u Švicarskoj ujesen 1967. god., dočekala me ponuda da se prihvatim glavnog uredništva
“Šumarskoga lista”, uz uvjet da prethodno prihvatimtehičko uredništvo. Bez razmišljanja prihvatio sam prijedlog.
Šumarstvo je tada bilo bremenito problemima.

Socijalističko-komunistički poredak Jugoslavije temeljio se na planskoj privredi i pseudovlasničkimodnosima izoliranih
šumarija, od kojih su neke zbog nedostataka sredstava za biološku reprodukciju,izostavljale temeljne poslove njege
mlade šume. Stada koza u državnim šumama Sredozemlja čine velike štete, usprkos zabrani držanja koza i kozje paše, a
državna vodoprivreda u sprezi s Elektroprivredom, prilikom izgradnje hidroelektrane, samo obavijesti šumsko gospodarstvo
kako su strojevi ušli u šumu i započeli s gradnjom (npr. Š.G.Varaždin, HidroelektranaVaraždin).

Tako je započelo moje uređivanje “Šumarskoga lista”u siječnju 1970. godine koje traje sve do danas.Koristeći
Zakon o šumama, temeljna šumarska pravila i načela šumarske znanosti, one koji krivo rade savjetujemo i usmjeravamo
putem Hrvat sko ga šumarskoga društva, koje tradicionalno ujedinjuje šumarsku znanost i struku, od samoga početka svojega
djelovanja (1846) do danas. Najprijese djelovalo koristeći živu stručnu riječ, a izlaskom prvog broja “Šumarskoga
lista”koristi se i pisana riječ.Već dugoto se prakticirakroz riječ glavnoga urednika i napise ostalih članova putem rubrikeAktualno.
U kasnim osamdesetim godinama dolazi do propadanja šuma, a napisi pune stranice našega časopisa.

God. 1990., Hrvatska doživljava društvene promjene, a poslije Domovinskoga rata 1995. god.postaje potpuno slobod na.
Rat de vastira šumu, a miniranje je čini nepristupačnom. Slobodna domovina donijela je hrvatskim šumama jedno šums ko-
gospodarsko područje, što je u potpunosti riješilo potrajnost gospodarenja, a stručni pristup šumama kroz proteklih 200
go dina oblikovao je hrvatske šume u prirodne šumske sastojine prilagođene svojim staništima, koje se po prirodnoj raznolikostii
bogatstvu vrsta razlikuju od europskih šuma.

Kako svaka promjena uz dobro donosi i ono loše, šume u Hrvatskoj izložene su danas prenamjeni u velikim površinama
(prometnice, naftovodi, dalekovodi, golf igrališta, trajni nasadi vinove loze i maslina, izgradnja odteretnih i plovnih kanala
i hidro elek trana). U posljednje dvije godine bavimo se nacionalnom ekološkom mrežom, koju po svojoj zamisli predlaže
EU, a što nije opravdano u našim prirodnim šumama.

Kao i uvijek, na kraju godinekoristim priliku svim čitateljima “Šumarskoga lista”zaželjeti Čestit Božić i čestitati nadolazeću
novu go dinu 2010. s puno uspjeha u poslu te sreće u privatnome životu,u ime predsjednika Hrvatskoga šumarskoga
društva mr. sc. Petra Jur je vi ća, glavnoga tajnika Damira Delača, dipl. ing. šum. te tehničkoga urednika “Šumarskoga
lista”Hranislava Ja kovca, dipl. ing. šum.

Prof. em. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić



When I returned from a study sojourn in Switzerland in the autumn of 1967, I found a proposal suggesting that I become
the editor-in-chief of the Forestry Journal, on condition that I should firstbeits technical editor. I accepted the proposal
without any hesitation. At that time forestry was burdened with numerous problems. The socialist-communist system inYugoslavia was based on planned economy and pseudo-ownership relations among isolated forest administrations, someof which could not even engage in the primary task of tending young forests due to a shortage of means for biologicalreproduction. Herds of goats inflicted severe damage to state forests in the Mediterranean region despite a ban on keepinggoats and grazing. The state water management administration, in collusion with the electrical power industry, simplyinformed the forest management industry that a hydropower station was being built and that the machinery had entered aforest and started construction operations (e.g. Varaždin, Varaždin Hydropower Station).

This is how it all began. I became the editor of the Forestry Journal in January 1970 and have held this post eversince. Our mission has always been to advise and guide all those encountering problems in forestry-related work bystaunchly applying the regulations of the Forest Law and some fundamental postulates and principles of the forestry science.
We have done this through the Croatian Forestry Association (established in 1864), a society that traditionally mergesthe forestry science and profession. In the beginning, the form of communication was oral, but when the magazine“Forestry Journal”started coming out, we switched to the written word.Our mission has been expressed in the columns“A Word from the Editor-in-Chief” and articles written by other members gathered in the column “Current Affairs”. As anillustration, the late 1980s were marked with increased forest decline, so the pages of our journal were filled with articlesaddressing this serious issue.

The year 1990 denoted very important social changes in Croatia, which culminated with Croatia gaining completeindependence after the Homeland War in 1995. However, the war caused overall devastation of the forests, while miningmade them inaccessible. Croatian forests experienced revival in the free homeland with the introduction of a new forest-
management field,which finally solved the problem of sustainable management. The professional approach to forests overthe past 200 years has resulted in natural forest stands completely adjusted to their sites. It is the natural diversity and thewealth of species that discriminates Croatian forests from European ones.

Every change for the better necessarily brings along some undesirable aspects. Large forest areas in Croatia are beingre-converted to cater for different purposes (roads, oil pipelines, transmission lines, golf courses, permanent vine and olivecultures, construction of relief and navigation canals and hydropower stations, etc.). In the past two years we have beendealing with the national ecological network, which is an idea advocated by the EU, although this idea is not applicableto our natural forests.

As always, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers of “Forestry Journal” Merry Christmas and aVery Happy New Year 2010. On behalf of Petar Jurjević, M.Sc, president of the Croatian Forestry Association, DamirDelač, B.Sc. general secretary, Hranislav Jakovac, B.Sc, technical editor of “Forestry Journal“, and myself, I wish youevery success in your business and happiness in private life.

Professor Emeritus Branimir Prpić, Ph.D.
Nas lov nastra ni ca–Front pa ge:
Predbožićno ruho šume –Forests in pre-Christmas clothes
(Fo to–Pho to:Željko Stipeć)
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