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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2009 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

M. Šušnjar, D. Pičman, T. Pentek, D. Horvat, H. Nevečerel, K. Greger: RADNE ZNAČAJKE ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXIII (2009), 493-499

rationalisation. Proceedinsg of Austro2007/ -ering, BOKU,
FORMEC´07: Meeting the Needs ofTomorrows’ CD ROM.
Forests – New Developments in Forest En

SUMMARY: The paper deals with performance of terrain leveler Vermeer
T855 in forest fire road construction and carst melioration. Research was caried
out in the Mediterranean region on southern part of Croatia (Dalmatia) exactly
on the area of forest office Zadar and forest office Buzet. The research
was performed during three weeks of the machine work and the following parameters
were recorded on a daily basis: effective time, fuel consumption,
number of broken knives, length of the processed route, working depth and
type of surface. The data gathered covered 22 working days in total. The basic
classification of the working days was made according to the depth of work
and type of surface. The first 13 days the working depth was 40 cm and during
first 3 days the fire-prevention road route was on the ground of loose stones,
and the following 10 days, on hard stone ground. During 9 days of work on the
depth of 75 cm, the machine was working 6 days on the ground consisting of
loose stones and 3 days on hard rocky ground.

The measured data served to calculate on a daily basis the efficiency of the
machine expressed in the length of processed route within the time unit as well
as the fuel consumption per time unit and the length of the processed route and
dependence of number of broken knives on the length of the processed route

The largest average productivity of the machine of 4.30 m/min has been achieved
at the work in ground 40 cm deep consisting of loose stones. At the
same working depth, the productivity appears to be considerably lower on
hard rocky ground (2.42 m/min). A lower efficiency is achieved at larger working
depth. A general conclusion can be made that the productivity depends
on the working depth and the type of ground. The larger working depth and
the harder ground, the lower productivity.

The same sequence occurs when the consumption of knives is examined
with regard to the working conditions. On average, when working on the
depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground the smallest number of knives are used
up. When working at 75 cm in hard stone, the consumption could be from 15

The fuel consumption was researched in regard to the constructed route
length and to the effective (productive) working time. There are no more significant
differences in fuel consumption within a time unit (from 0.89 L/min to

1.04 L/min) in regard to the working conditions. The average fuel consumption
regardless of different working conditions comes to 0.93 L/min. Nevertheless,
the differences in fuel consumption according to the length of the
constructed road route considerably differ with regard to the working depth
and the surface. The consumption of only 0.21 L/m has been registered with
the work on the depth of 40 cm in loose stone ground. At the same depth, the
consumption is almost double by the route length on the rocky ground (0.41
L/m). As the working depth increases the consumption by route length increases
too and the largest consumption was from 0.53 L/m established with the
work on the depth of 75 cm in hard stone.

Based on the measurement results and introductory study, we can make a
conclusion on use of the terrain leveler Vermeer T855 in construction of the
forest fire-prevention roads. The advantage of the terrain leveler lies in a possibility
of use of the stone material on the forest fire-prevention roads route as
well as in new technology of construction of fire-prevention roads where the
operation of a machine substitutes several construction machines.

Vienna, Austria, 07-11.10.2007.;