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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2009 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

V.Topić, L. Butorac, Z. Đurđević, B. Kekelić, G. Jelić: UTJECAJ TIPAKONTEJNERANARAST I RAZVOJ ...Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXIII (2009), 121-134
Five-year monitoring of plant development in the experimental plot showed
that the afforestation method with common cypresses planted in the soil
undermined with a ripper to 50 to 70 cm in depth gave better results than the
classical method of afforestation in dug holes of 40 x 40 x 40 cm. Common cypress
plants from polyethylene bags of 923 cm3 planted in the soil undermined
with a ripper had an average height of 74.5 cm and maximal height of 181.0
cm. Those planted in dug holes reached a height of 54.5 cm and maximum
height of 128.0 cm (Figures 9 and 10). Plants from B12 containers showed the
smallest height increment. The average plant height in the soil undermined
with a ripper was 48.4 cm and the maximal height was 101.0 cm, while that in
dug holes was 38.4 cm to 76.0 cm. The above data show that common cypress
is a very useful species for afforesting karst areas and establishing mixed cultures
in particular, on condition that the soil is properly prepared for afforestation
and only good quality planting stock used. This material includes
two-year-old seedlings grown in larger volume containers (900 to 1000 cm3).
Planting should be timely and expertly performed and obligatory tending
treatments should be applied in the first several years after planting.