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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2009 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

Prka,M., 2005: Čimbenici kakvoće bukovih stabala iPrka,M.,A. P. B.Krpan,2007: Problem određivastruktura
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mar ski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 42–62.

Prka,M., 2008: Određivanje sortimentne strukture
Prka,M., 2006: Značajke doznačenih bukovih staba-jednodobnih bukovih sastojina primjenom nor

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Štefančić,A., 1998: Udio drvnih sortimenata u
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SUMMARY: This paper deals with research and comparison of technical
roundwood structure in assortment tables compiled in accordance with the
requirements of the Croatian standards for forest harvesting products of 1995
and the Croatian Standard Hardwood round wood – Qualitative classification
– Part 1: Oak and Beech HRN EN 1316-1:1999.

The research was carried out in the Management Unit „Bjelovarska
Bilogora”, Forest Office Bjelovar, Forest Administration Bjelovar. All investigated
compartments pertain to ecological management type II–D–11 and
management class BEECH with a 100-year rotation. The age of the investigated
cutblocks ranged between 59 and 91 with thinning, between 94 and 110
with preparatory cut, between 100 and 112 with seed cut and between 98 and
114 with final cut. The group of sample trees was formed by random selection
of approximately 10% of marked trees.

The sample for compiling assortment tables in accordance with the
requirements of the Croatian standards for forest harvesting products of 1995
involved 3001 sample trees (table 1), and assortment tables were compiled in
accordance with the requirements of the Croatian standard HRN EN 13161:
1999 based on 3082 sample trees (table 2). Share tables of wood assortments
determined in accordance with these two standards were developed,
for various reasons, separately for thinnings and preparatory felling, and
separately for seeding and final felling.

By processing sample trees in accordance with the requirements of the
Croatian Standards for Forest Harvesting Products of 1995, 10,098 pieces of
technical roundwood were obtained, whose total volume was 4,337 m3(without
bark). In accordance with the requirements of this Standard, total
processed and classified net volume of all sample trees was 7,469 m3.

By bucking sample trees in accordance with the requirements of the
Croatian Standard Hardwood round wood – Qualitative classification – Part

1: Oak and Beech HRN EN 1316-1:1999, 13,507 pieces of technical roundwood
were obtained, whose total volume was 6,010 m3(without bark), and in
accordance with the requirements of this Standard, the net volume of all sample
trees was 8,931 m3.
Due to substantial differences, structural comparison of technical roundwood
classified in accordance with the requirements of these two standards is