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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2008 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

J. Domac, Z. Benković, T. Starčić: RAZVITAK ODRŽIVE INDUSTRIJE DRVENOG UGLJENAŠumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXII (2008), 555-561
7. POPIS IZVJEŠTAJAI DOKUMENATA– List of reports and documents
1.First report of NPC, July 2006, 2 pp
8. S.Risovicet al–Institutional aspects (Annex 10),
pp 24
2.Terminal statement of NPC (July 2008), 10 pp
9.Y. Schenkelet al –Assessment of international
3. S.Plevnik–Options for improved charcoal pro-
char coal market (Annex 5), February 2008, 25 pp
duction in Belisce (Annex 6), September 2006,
23 pp
10. D.Kajba–Education and training report (Annex

9), March 2008, 5 pp

charcoal production in Croatia (Annex 10), No

4.A Kojakovicet al –Environmental aspects of
11.CroatiaWISDOM Report (Annex 4&8), July 2008,
vem ber 2006, 48 pp
65 pp

5.V.Segonet al–Market study charcoal in Croatia
12. Proceedings of International Expert Consultation
(Annex 7), December 2006, 41 pp
on Sustainable charcoal production, trade and

6. R.Siemons–Industrial charcoal production (An -
use in Europe, Zagreb, July 2008, 41 pp
nex 2), February 2007, 33 pp
Svi izvještaji i dokumenti dostupni su na internet

7. B. Kulisicet al –Economic aspects of charcoalstranici projekta
production in Croatia (Annex 10), November
2007, pp 57
SUMMARY: The single industrial charcoal producer in Croatia is located in
Belisce, eastern Croatia. There are also several small to medium charcoal producers
in Croatia using traditonal charcol production techniques. Na mely, all producers
apart from Belišće have traditional facilities and equipments with low
productivity and conversion efficiencies. Thus, this sector require renovation and
modernization in order become competitive with other international vendors.
Croatia also has around 400 small-scale charcoal producers scattered in forest
areas. Those producers are responsible for around half of the national charcoal
production (approximately 3.000 tonnes per year). Outdated technology of charcoal
production and low conversion efficiency of wood into charcoal is forcing
both small and large-scale charcoal producers out from the market. They are losing
competitiveness in both input (wood) and output (charcoal) markets on national
and international scale due to rapidly increasing demand for biomass. The
consequences are reduced incomes for people involved in this industry and
increased number of unemployment in rural areas.

The demand for charcoal is fairly large and it is increasing rapidly. Worldwide
consumption is estimated at 40.5 million tonnes annually, with 19.8 million tonnes
just for Africa according to FAO statistics. Charcoal consumption in Croatia, used
only as a barbecue fuel in households and restaurants, has been rising steadily
over the last few years. Export possibilities for charcoal produced in Croatia are
expanding but the price competition with producers from Asia, Latin America but
also Bulgaria, Bosnia and Her ze go vina and Serbia makes the export aspirations
rather challenging. From the long term perspective, the key issue for a sustainable
industrial charcoal production is the possibility of paying a higher price for feedstock
(wood re si dues from wood processing industry and forestry waste). This can
be achieved by increasing the price of charcoal sold on the market and by increasing
the efficiency of charcoal production.

Project activities were divided into six modules. The Module on Infor ma tion
includes the preparation of CROWEIS and WISDOM. The Module on National and
International Market analyzed, examined and evaluated the costs of raw materials,
production costs and prices for charcoal. The Module on Technology and
Technical Aspects assessed the technical, economic, and environmental competitiveness
of existing charcoal production technologies and industries. The Module
on Economics and Environmental Aspects prepared technical, economic, environmental
and socio-economic studies to de ter mine the viability of the different char