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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2008 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

M. Ivanković, S. Bogdan, Gr. Božič: VARIJABILNOSTVISINSKOG RASTAOBIČNE BUKVE ...Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXII (2008), 529-541
SUMMARY: We present an overview of the first results on height growth
variability of the European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) provenances in
Croatian and Slovenian field tests. The field tests (one in each country) were
established in the spring of 1998 with 2 years old plants. 36 provenances were
planted in the Croatian trial and 38 provenances in the Slovenian one, in a
randomised complete block design (RBD) in three replications with 150
seedlings per provenance. The Croatian trial includes provenances from 13
European countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,
France, Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden,
and Ukraine) while Slovenian trial includes provenance from 15 European
countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany,
Great Britain, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Sweden, Switzerland).

The first results relate to the survival rate and heights in autumn 2005, at
the plant age of 8 years. The Slovenian trial had a better survival rate and a
larger average height. The P-13 provenance (Soignes – B) had the best survival
rate of 94,0% (in Slovenian trial); the largest heights in Slovenian trial
were recorded also for the local Slovenian provenance P-53 ( 242,80 cm,
Postojna – Masun);

Provenance testing on two different sites showed that some provenances
(P-05 Bretagne F, P-31 Urach D, P-17 Westfield GB) exhibited a general
adaptedness and phenotypic stability, while other provenances were phenotypically
instable, i.e. exhibited specific adaptedness (P-64 Nizbor, CZ, P-51
Horni Plana-Ce CZ).

Anova showed that provenances were statistically significant effect only in
the Slovenian trial, while in the Croatian one as well as in combined analysis
there were no between provenance differences. Block by provenance interactions
were statistically significant in both trials, indicating strong micro site
influences. However, blocks were not properly conducted in Croatian trial
because they were perpendicular to slope, probably causing strong provenance
by block interaction. Moreover, in Slovenian trial number of studied
provenances was not the same, which was also cause for strong interaction
effect. Our believe is that due to above mentioned reasons, provenance by
block interactions in both trials were overestimated and consequently that
was the reason for underestimating provenance effect.

Tukey-Kramer test did not show clinal geographic pattern of between
provenance differences, so it can be concluded that results indicate ecotypic
genetic differentiation of studied provenances. However, future studies which
should include ecological variables of mother stands might put more light on
the pattern of genetic variation.

These results shall be evaluated in the future for possible use in breeding
and conservation of the European beech genetic resources.

Key words:genetic variation, ecotypes, quantitative traits