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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2008 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF



U svakoj naprednijoj zemlji, kuda zasigurno pripada i Hrvatska s preko 2 milijuna ha prirodne
šume visoke kakvoće, na kraju godine zbrajaju se uspjesi i neuspjesi. U uspjehe ubrajamo postojanost
u prirodnom gospodarenju šumama koje se odlikuju visokom kakvoćom sirovine, značajnom
količinom biomase za energiju, ispunjavanjem svih općekorisnih funkcija šume i prašumskom biološkom
raznolikošću, što se postiže posebnim uzgojnim postupcima.

S druge strane bilježimo velike gubitke šumskih površina ugroženih izgradnjom različitih kategorija
infrastrukture bez dogovora sa šumarstvom, odnosno uzimanjem ili ugrožavanjem, posebice
nizinskih šuma hrasta lužnjaka i sredozemnih šuma uz “dogovor” pod političkim pritiskom te sramotno
niske cijene. Objektivna cijena šume njezine sirovinske, energetske i općekorisne funkcije u
svim slučajevima prelazi vrijednost dalekovoda, ceste, plovnoga puta, hidroelektrane i dr.

Sve se to odvija uz, na brzinu donesene podzakonske akte.
Uz naš ulazak u Europsku uniju bilježimo i uspostavu Nacionalne ekološke mreže kao dijela
Sveeuropske ekološke mreže i EU-mreže NATURA2000. Smatra se kako su naše prirodno gospodarene
šume dobra zaštita za šume ekološke mreže i da ih u slučaju hrvatskih šuma i uzgojnih postupaka,
koje obavljaju naši šumarski stručnjaci nije potrebno posebno zaštititi.
Koristim priliku kako bih u ime predsjednika Uređivačkoga savjeta “Šumarskoga lista” mr. Petra
Jurjevića, tehničkoga urednika Hranislava Jakovca, dipl. ing. šum., te svih članova Uredničkoga
odbora, tajnika Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva Damira Delača, dipl. ing. šum., i u svoje osobno
ime, svim čitateljima “Šumarskoga lista” čestitao sretan Božić i Novu godinu 2009.
Prof. dr. sc. Branimir Prpić



In every developed country, the end of the year is the time of evaluating successes and failures.
Croatia, with over 2 million ha or high quality natural forests,definitely belongs to these countries.
Successes of Croatian forestry include strictadherence to nature-based forest management, attainment
of biological diversity similar to that in virgin forests, high quality of raw material, large quantities
of biomass energy and the achievement of very important non-wood forest functions. All these
successes are due to the application of special silvicultural treatments.

On the other hand, we experienceenormous losses of forest areas due to various infrastructural
facilities constructed without any consultation with the forestry profession. Such practice, involving
political pressures and disgracefully low prices, has especially endangered lowland forests of
pedunculate oak and Mediterranean forests. The objective price of forests, forest raw materials,
energy and other non-timber functions far exceeds the value of transmission lines, roads, waterways
and hydropower stations. To make matters worse, such developments are allowed by hastily passed

In addition to Croatia’s efforts to join the European Union, we should also point out the establishment
of the National Ecological Network as part of the European Ecological Network and the
NATURA 2000 network. Nature-based silviculture is considered to provide good protection for
forests. In the case of Croatian forests, in which silvicultural treatments are applied according to
the above method, no additional protection is necessary.

On behalf of Petar Jurjević, MSc., president of the Editorial Council of “Forestry Joural”,
Hranislav Jakovac, BSc, technical editor, all members of the Editorial Council, Damir Delač,BSc,
secretary of the Croatian Forestry Society and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to wish
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year toall readers of “Forestry Journal”.

Professor Branimir Prpić, PhD

Nas lov nastra ni ca–Front pa ge:
Smreka – u božićnom ozračju

Spruce – in Christmas attire
(Fo to–Pho to:Željko Stipeć)

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